Looking for Lucy PITTMAN BUNN of North Carolina
I am searching for any type of information leading to my Cherokee lineage. I believe that it begins with my great, great grandmother Lucy PITTMAN BUNN, born around 1844. I am not sure of her maiden name. I believe that the surname PITTMAN is that of her first husband (I'm not sure of his given name.) From that marriage she had 2 children: Mary, born 11/4/1860 and a son Virgil D.O.B. unknown. She married Carey BUNN in 1919 after the death of her 1st husband. They had one child, a daughter, named Carar of Cara BUNN.
Mary was married to Daniel Parker. They were the parents of my grandmother Carrie Parker, born in 1900. I don't know if they had any other children. Carrie married Wylie Ricks, born in 1898. Together they had 4 daughters: Miriam (1927), Maggie Ruth (1929), Lois (1931) and my mother Agatha Malinda Mae (1938). They lived in Elm City, NC.
Any information that anyone may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated.
on 2013-06-09 16:11:32
allicat28 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2013.