Looking for Magrath family in Dublin around 1770s to 1850s
I am trying to trace the antecedents of Robert Lovell Magrath who was born in or around 1801 in Ireland. In 1835 he married Anna Balfour Macloghlin In 1850 they migrated to Adelaide, Australia. Any help would be gratefully received. Cheers,
Jacquie Harvey
on 2013-01-30 22:14:20
jacquieharvey has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2013.
Greetings Jacquie, We are seeking the same information so obviously are related. I am guessing but are you related to Brian Maegraith Harvey ? Robert Lovell Magraith previously Magrath was my g-g-grandfather and I have found some information about the Heaviside connection if you would like it. Robert married Anna (one record I have seen states Anne) in a Church of Ireland church in Dublin but I cannot find out much more than that. You might be interested to know I have tracked the name Folliott which was the 3rd name of Bolton Marcus Folliott Magra(i)th who was my g-grandfather.
Best wishes
David Magraith
Hi David,
Thank you so much for writing....and yes I am a daughter of Brian M Harvey! I've been puddling around with Magrath genealogy on and off for the past few years and I've accumulated lots of bits and pieces but nothing that definitively goes back beyond Robert Lovell Magrath. So many puzzles!
I would love to speak with you about our shared ancestry sometime. Would you mind giving me a telephone number?
Also...can you solve one mystery...why is there only a wooden cross to mark the grave of Bolton Marcus Folliott and his wife Jane? It almost looks like a paupers grave...was there animosity towards them from the rest of the family?
I look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
Greetings Jacquie,
Some years ago we made contact and discussed our family tree. I have some information and don't know if I have provided it to you. My email is David.magraith@gmail.com and phone number is o423161063
Best wishes