looking for memoli and mascola
as for the memolis I know that my grandfather, Albert, came over when he was 14. yes, ended up in New York. Then ended up in the "Iron Bound" section of Newark New Jersey. I know he came from Salerno, a big wine area. I guess this is where he picked up on making wine, (he was good).My grandmother name Raffela Romano
My grandfather and grandmother had 9 girls, yes, 9 one set of twins. they did have a set of boy twins Albert and Dominic but they died of peumonia.my grandfater always told me that when the 9 girls were in there time he would spend a week at the club. when he came home it was my grandmother's turn. (poor man)
Now, the Mascola (Mascolo) I have no clue whats so ever. I do know that there are Mascola in Malan and in Naples,,,
on 2008-01-29 15:13:40
frankie2xs , from myrtle beach south carolina, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2008. is researching the following names: WOLFEYES, MASCOLAMEMOLI.
Frankie - I think I know your family. My greatgrandfather was Albert's brother, Vincenzo (or Jimmy in America). There were 5 brothers. My mother talks about her uncle with the 9 daughters. --Leslie
Frankie, we are cousins. My name is Ken Bogdan, my mother is Marie your mother Margaret's sister. I believe you lived in Bayville, NJ at one time. I live in Jackson and actually own a second home in Bayville.