Looking for my gggrandfathers parents his name was William Evertt Guy born...
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Looking for my gggrandfathers parents his name was William Evertt Guy born 1856-7 Indiana he married Sarah Jane Williams in april 16,1882in shelby co,Iowa he had Amy Louisa,Bess,Nelly,Mary,Martin Daniel they lived in Iowa until he was in Oklahoma Land Run he had a homestead near Clinton and Foss Oklahoma,him and his wife had a boarding house in Iowa,i need a record that says what his father and mothers names are on cencus he says ohio then indiana help gloj1@yahoo.com

on 2010-11-29 22:52:37
Leavenworth has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2010. is researching the following names: BRIM, SPENCERMARTIN, TILTON.