Looking for Nairn of Jamaica or Canada
I have a connection of Nairn born Jamaica.
I am trying to trace my father Franklin or Frankie Nairn, or Nairne, residing in Canada, whose family were from Kingston. He moved from Jamaica to UK in early 60's and then to Canada a few years later.
He had three sons with my mother Sylvia Cecilia Mills. The sons are Patrick, Kenneth and Fredrick, all currently residing in the UK.
We grew up in Kellets, Clarendon, Raised by our grandparents Ida Mills/Rose and Leslie Rose.
If you have any information please would you contact me on Patrickawinkle@gmail.com
Thank you
on 2013-11-19 04:01:03
PatrickNairn has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2013.