Looking for parents for Lorenzo Oakleigh STANTON - New Zealand
Lorenzo Oakleigh Stanton was born in Port Albert, Auckland in 1873
He married Constance Shepherd in 1902 and they had 14 children.
If you visit his family tree here: LORENZO OAKLEIGH STANTON - maybe you could help with information to fill in the gaps.
Especially would like his parents names and any emigration info.
He was a religious minister, died in 1960 and his ashes are scattered somewhere ???
His children were:
John Wesley married Ethel Shearman
Florence Joy married Keith Bycroft
Edwin Carrodine married Evelyn Knight
Ruth Watson married Hugh Chisholm
Grace Booth married Peter McKinlay
Olive married Rex Nowland
Albert Lorenzo married Violet Arthur
Dwight Moody marrie Ivy Swale
Percy Aleander married Elaine Rowe
Lilian Constance died an infant
Gordon Harris married shirley Geard
Fletcher Bramwell married Norah Clark & Thelma Stevenson
Eva Levina married Leonard Twyman
Noman Schofield married Gladys McGregor
on 2009-04-02 07:19:25
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.