Looking for Patrick WILLIAMS b. abt 1806 and Wives: Caroline Ariann INGRAM, Caroline BEVINS, and Missouri Elizabeth TAYLOR
PATRICK WILLIAMS was born about 1806 in Virginia.
Patrick married ARIANN INGRAM on November 15, 1832, in Greene County, Georgia. (They were my 3rd great-grandparents.) They had three children: MARY ELIZABETH, CAROLINE L. and EDWIN. (CAROLINE L. married WILLIAM VALENTINE WHITE--my line, and MARY ELIZABETH married his brother-MOSES WHITE.)
On December 1, 1840, Patrick was married to CAROLINE BEVINS in Talbot County, Georgia. They had seven children born from about 1841 to 1856: EZEKIEL, SARAH, RICHARD, JAMES, WILLIAM, HENRIETTA, and ARIANN.
According to the 1850 U. S. Federal Census, PATRICK WILLIAMS was 44 years old, making him born about 1806. He and the family continued to live in Talbot County, Georgia.
The 1860 Census showed PATRICK L. WILLIAMS as 51 years old. This would have made his birth year about 1809. This census as well as the 1850 census gave his place of birth as Virginia. His wife CAROLINE BEVINS WILLIAMS was listed as being 42 years old. Daughters MARY ELIZABETH and CAROLINE L. were both living back at home--probably because of the war. Other children at home were: EZEKIEL-18, RICHARD-16. JAMES-15, WILLIAM-12, HENRIETTA-10, and ARIANN age 4. (SARAH born between Ezekiel and Richard, was no longer listed in the household. She would have been 16, so she could possibly have already married.)
Sometime after 1860, Patrick married MISSOURI ELIZABETH TAYLOR in Talbot County, Georgia. They had five children: CHARLIE, GEORGIA, EMMA, HENRY and JOHN.
I have PATRICK WILLIAMS death date as 1890.
I do have extensive information about the descendants of Caroline (Williams) & William V. White and Mary (Williams) & Moses White, but I know absolutely nothing, other than names, of the other Williams children.
I would also like any imformation available on the ancestors of Patrick Williams and Caroline Ariann Ingram.
I have attached a picture of CAROLINE WILLIAMS WHITE (my 2nd great-grandmother-daughter of Patrick & Caroline Ariann (Ingram) Williams). I would be glad to share the picture file. Just send your e-mail address to mcgheefamily3@yahoo.com. I would love pictures if anyone has any.
on 2011-11-27 16:00:11
katmcghee1951 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2011.