Looking for relatives of CHRISTOPHER WEDEKING of Fillmore County Nebraska
CHRISTOPHER WEDEKING was my hsb's 3rd great grandfather. Christopher was born in 1826 and died in 1911. He is buried in the Grace Lutheran Church Cemetery south of Ohiowa Fillmore County Nebraska.
Married Dorothea Doris SCHMIDT and their dghtr Dorothea Doris WEDEKING
dob14Jan1854 dod24Oct1938 married Heinrich FC SCHWEER and their dghtr Minnie R SCHWEER married George H. SCHROEDER their son Almon A SCHROEDER married Fern E. STEELE their son James D. SCHROEDER married Pamela J CLARK their son Jeremy D SCHROEDER married Jaime J Blanken
Would like to know when they came from Germany and if they lived in Illinois prior to coming to Fillmore County Nebraska. Would like to know the names of parents and siblings and what they did. I believe it was farming.
Thank you
Pamela Schroeder