Looking for relatives of Howard Arthur Marks Sydney, Australia
I am trying to contact relatives of my grandfather Howard Arthur Marks who was a solicitor in Manly, NSW, Australia.
He was one of 11 children. My father, Horace Norman Marks, formerly of Seaforth, NSW, Australia is in a nursing home with dementia. I believe his cousin Howard Marks, now deceased, wrote a family history and I would like to obtain a copy of it.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can assist me in this endeavour.
Dear Suzanne, Welcome.
Try registering and posting a message at the MARKS Family Genealogy Forum.
Check out RootsChat register as a new user, free site, then goto their Australia board. Maybe somebody might know there.
And you could try contacting any local family history groups that may be in Seaforth NSW as they might have a copy of your family history lodged in their records. Sometimes you never know your luck.
The NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages has Thomas Howard MARKS and Mary Jane with a large family of children born Vegetable Ck, Inverell, Patricks Plain, Mudgee etc. that could be your bunch. Click on their 'Online Historical Indexes' to browse.
Best wishes.
EDITOR from Qld.