my name is Michelle Alane (MANNING) WILLIAMSON.
My fathers name is Robert Alan MANNING.
i have limited information on this man, and have tried for years, unsuccessfully, to locate him within anyones family tree (in the name i know him as)
he was supposedly born in San Fransisco, California (by my mothers memory of finding out, or being told).
my birth certificate has it stated that he was born in Hong Kong.
my mother says thats not true.
he resided in California in the 60s. i know this much because i was born in Van Nuys California in 1967
he may have been there longer. i have no idea. when i was about 2, my mother either took me away from him, or he left us. im not clear about that part of my life.
he had several wives. i am unsure if they also carried the last name MANNING, as he was a bigamist.
for what i was told, he had a wife in Utah and 3 sons with her.
another wife just not far from my mother and myself, and a daughter with her in california, and their names were (and im not sure who was who, but i do remember the names): Linda & Cheryl
and then as far as i know, my mother (Gay Joanne (SUITER) MANNING)
and myself.
trying to extract any information from my mother (who is now deceased) has been a challenge. she didnt like to talk about this man, understandably. but i need answers to that side of my family.
what Little but i have been able to get has been like sacred nuggets of information, i retain with great clarity.
this is all i know:
he should have been born in the 1930s. my mother was a 1935 baby, and they dont look too terribly different in age. so 1935, or earlier is when id place his birth year.
his nickname was BOB.
he had a half brother named: Jessie/ Jesse/ Jessy (last name unknown)
He served in the Army for a period of time.
his mother was married several times as he grew up.
his natural father committed suicide in Texas somewhere.
he worked in California as a janitor/ maintenance man but on my birth certificate it says he was a DIRECTOR OF MOTION PICTURES (he lead a very big fantasy life, it would seem)
he was about 5'8-6; tall, maybe a little more or less.
blue eyes
blond hair
and from what i understand, VERY charming.
my mother said he resembled CLINT EASTWOOD facially.
never know, maybe im Clints illegitimate child. my mom couldnt stand to watch Clint Eastwood movies for YEARS as a result.
my aunt has actually met this man, so i know he existed at one point.
i just wish a door would open up so i could find out more about that side of my family. all leads (which are extremely few) lead me to brick walls.
if you know anything, or feel you may have information regarding this individual, please feel free to share it with me.
thank you.

on 2011-08-31 06:06:22
looking for information on mainly my father: ROBERT ALAN MANNING, but will have other info of other family members over time.