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Looking for Schwenzers and Campbells

Query by bev_schwenzer

I am trying to find my family it seems that it is just our own little family with no other relatives. My father was born in Germany. His mother my grandmother's maiden name was Margaret Korf born in 1912. My grandfather's name was Richard Schwenzer born in 1910. They had 3 children Evelyn Schwenzer born on December 23, 1931,who had 1 daughter Ilonka Shadd, my father Gunter Richard Schwenzer was born on September 29, 1937 my father had 3 children Beverly,Bridget and Ricky and my Auntie Ingrid Schwenzer was born on June 19, 1939 and had on adoptive daugher Debbie Sherington. My father never knew his grandparents he said that they had died in the war.

My Auntie Evelyn moved with her husband to Winnipeg, Canada and started a butchershop/meat cutting business. My Anuntie Ingrid and my Father came later to Canada to work in the business as my father was a butcher/meat cutter.
When my father finally reached Winnipeg Manitoba Canada the business had burned down. The insurance believed that my Auntie Evelyn and her husband burned down the business but that didn't happen, however, they were both deported back to Germany and could never return to Canada. My auntie Ingrid and my father both stayed in Winnipeg. My father then met my mother Virginia Marie Campbell from Ebb & Flow, Manitoba. She had 1 sister from my grandparents Ida Desmarais, and my grandfather Charlie Campbell. Her name was Elizabeth Meeches she had married a man from Long Plain Indian Reserve, Manitoba Canada. My grandmother then married a Bonapart Racette and had 4 children who are my mothers stepsisters, Adeline Racette, Claudia Racette (Roulette), Jessie Racette & Donald Racette. On my grandfathers side he married a woman named Emma, they had 8 children from oldest to youngest:Jane Campbell(Tuesday), Sylvia Campbell, Irene Campbell (Tuesday) Barbara Campbell (Nepinak), Angela Campbell (Roulette) Dorothy Campbell, Leonis Campbell (Favell) and one boy Joseph Campbell.

My father had 3 children: Beverly Schwenzer (Garneau) divorced. Bridget Schwenzer (Houle) widow and Richard Charles Gunter Schwenzer wife Holly Schwenzer (Chartrand). Beverly has 3 children , Tanis Ida Schwenzer who has 4 children, Trevor Alan Schwenzer who had 2 children and Tasha has no children.

The only other thing I know is that my Auntie Ingrid married an Andy Whellems. This is all I know of my history although I have many relatives in Ebb & Flow and Winnipeg as well as in Sandy Bay but I do not know who in Sandy bay. My grandmother died at an early age from Tuberculosis. My mother also had Tuberculosis and was in a sanitorium until the age of 18. She did not want to return to Ebb and Flow and married a man named Sinclair. that marriage did not have children and divorced shortly after. Then met my father they had been married for over 40 years before my mother died on September 14, 2002. My father still remains living in Mallard, Manitoba he is 75 years old now. My sister and I live in Ebb & Flow Indian Reserve, Manitoba and my brother lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I hope that someone could have some information for me especially from my fathers side, it's so sad because of WWII alot of his people had died but I am hoping that there is someone out there that is a relative.

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on 2012-11-16 21:24:01

bev_schwenzer has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2012.

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