Looking for Smith of Penna.
Information on Harry Eckert Smith married Minnie Elvine Brown.
Lived in Columbia PA.
ned smith is a friend of mine my name is isabelle mason stewart akka mary steart i knew also kaylene smith brian smith barry smith in fact smith being a very common name someone it seems may have compromised my information about myself i knew my nannas name surname was brown brown stewart she had one sister she hailed from scotland but came from america she informed me minnie elvine brown sounds very familiar names were changed slightly after the war elsie may brown was my nanas name but harry eckert smith and minnie elvine brown could be related to pam kaylene barry and brian smith any help with my tree would be appreicited
ned smith is a friend of mine my name is isabelle mason stewart akka mary steart i knew also kaylene smith brian smith barry smith in fact smith being a very common name someone it seems may have compromised my information about myself i knew my nannas name surname was brown brown stewart she had one sister she hailed from scotland but came from america she informed me minnie elvine brown sounds very familiar names were changed slightly after the war elsie may brown was my nanas name but harry eckert smith and minnie elvine brown could be related to pam kaylene barry and brian smith any help with my tree would be appreicited
ned smith is a friend of mine my name is isabelle mason stewart akka mary steart i knew also kaylene smith brian smith barry smith in fact smith being a very common name someone it seems may have compromised my information about myself i knew my nannas name surname was brown brown stewart she had one sister she hailed from scotland but came from america she informed me minnie elvine brown sounds very familiar names were changed slightly after the war elsie may brown was my nanas name but harry eckert smith and minnie elvine brown could be related to pam kaylene barry and brian smith any help with my tree would be appreicited