Looking for STAFFORD Mount Kembla
Searching for family members who may have information regarding Henry Ernest STAFFORD & his sister Ivy STAFFORD, they are children of Ernest Goodall STAFFORD & Catherine MOORE. Birth year for Henry Ernest 1898, birth year for Ivy 1903.
Did Ivy Stafford become a Fishlock? If so I may have a photo of her as a young girl.
Do you mean you have a photo of Ivy Fishlock who married Robert Hubert.
I don't know...I have a photo that I believe was likely taken on Carr's Farm in Cordeaux Valley, of the Cram family children. It probably dates between 1915-1918 as that is when the Crams (Bruce Rees's family on the maternal side) were renting that farm. It is probably the Cram children and Grace Cram was known to be close friends with Ivy Fishlock. Does that fit in with that particular Ivy Fishlock's age?
Sorry for the late reply,
Grace Wheeler Cram was born 1904 & Ivy Fishlock born December 1904.
Thanks, I sent you that photo, so I assume it was not Ivy Fishlock or any Fishlock after all.