Looking for Thomas J. "Slim" Morrow
Somewhere I believe someone will have a story that will help locate my Grandfather. He used the alias Thomas David Carson from 1905 to 1915 and maybe later. I know he was 6'6" tall and probably was a vagrant when he died. I think it might be around Beaumont, Houston or Bexar county as he was arrested in San Antonio and sent back to Hillsboro for vagrancy and minor theft. His Father was Thomas Henry Morrow, a farmer and circuit preacher....left his first wife in Big Springs and went to California with a lady that he had another family with. I have one picture that maybe someone out there has seen it or maybe has one like it. Thanks for any help!ELW
on 2013-06-14 04:23:29
ewalker2 has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2013.