Looking for Wickliffe's from to Virginia to Missouri
I have a lot of information on Isaac Wickliffe born 3-16-1805 married to Nancy Hubbell born 4-23-1803. His parents John William Wickliffe 7-7-1782 & Mary Taylor Abt. 1783.
My question. Looking for proof of John William Wickliffe's parents.
I have Isaac Wickliffe 12-8-1752 & Frances Edwards 5-6-1757 as possibility. If so I have a few more generations back.
Then I get hung up on who Robert & Arrington's father is.[They went to Kentucky] In a history of part of Virginia states John Wickliffe as their father. But every thing else states Benjamin. Could This be John Benjamin??? I found where John went To Trinity college in 1744, was 18. Can anyone help? Thanks Lula
I am descended from Charles Wickliffe and I've been told that John William Wickliffe was his father. Do you have any proof that Charles and Isaac's parents were John William Wickliffe and Mary Taylor? I've been searching for a paper trail that can confirm that connection. I would appreciate any help.
Thank you,
Renita Ford-Collier