Looking For William Franklin Harrell
William Franklin Harrell was born on or around 1931 possibly in Ohio or Florida. He was married to Monta Vera Christensen and together they had 6 children between the years of 1951 and 1962. William and Monta spent considerable time in New Mexico (Farmington area) where William worked as a painter and Monta worked as a waitress. They also spent time in Arizona and Colorado (Mesa and Grand Junction). After 1962 there is no information or record of William Franklin anywhere. If you think you may know something please take a moment and view my website http://harrelltek.wix.com/findingwilliam and even if you don't please feel free to give us a like or share on facebook so that I may spread the word. Thank you
on 2015-10-10 20:55:39
WilliamHarrell has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2015.