looking for william george durham descendants from england
william george durham was born 1835-1895
born lambeth ,surrey
parents unknown would like to know who thwey were an where they came from
would like to know where william went to school
where he is buried/or cremated
what was his occupation did he emigrate to another country
could possibly have been australia/new zealand
on 2013-03-02 01:39:05
cricket63 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2013.
i have a photo of an "UNCLE GEORGE DURHAM", from the early 1880's, with wife and 7 children.......this is an original cabinet card photo.......ring any bells?.......the oldest 2 are girls, next is a boy, after that it is difficult telling the boys from the girls.......this card is possibly from the usa, no other clues on card.......