Luisa Nitannia
looking for this lady who is my 4xs great grandmother she is originally from india she married a man from the indian royal navy,as the story goes she was saved by pirates and for doing this the maharajah gave his daughters hand in marriage.
She eventually came to new zealand and married a seaman[no name known] she had 5 children none of whom i know when she came to england her name was translated into susan i know its a stab in the dark but someoe may know some thing have looked in the indian royal navy catalogue but no luck there,not sure when she was born in india but any smidgeon would help if its possible or maybe someone can find a website where i might look
on 2015-01-29 02:23:15
cricket63 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2013.
i have since be told but unsure as details are sketchy but it is believed that she may have married a seaman from the Indian Royal and that she lived and married and had 2 children in Bagdad maybe more and came to the uk around early 1830?