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MA Cook families

Query by Lem1

Hi there, my 6th great grandfather was a Cornelius Cook who married Eunice Forbush in 1727 in Westborough, MA. He was supposedly a blacksmith and they had ten children. I have a lot of my genealogy from Cornelius on down to myself, but I have never been able to find out who his parents were or where he was actually born. His children were Jonathan born 1727-Robert born 1729- Daniel born 1730- Cornelius born 1732- Stephen born 1733-Eunice born 1735- Mary born 1737-Thomas born 1738- Sarah born 1740- and Lydia born in 1743. My direct line is from Jonathan who married Mary Bigelow.I hit a huge brick wall with Cornelius (1) Surely someone out there must have a clue as to his parents names! I have searched for years. Some folks have confused him with the Cornelius who was in PA and apparently went to the Carolinas. I just can't imagine why I cannot find a thing before 1727. He had to have been somewhere. On top of this brick wall my Cook line had American Indian ancestry and I have not yet found out for sure how that came to be! So, if anyone has the slightest clue about my elusive Cornelius please email me or post a message. Thank you.

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on 2014-04-25 21:19:15

Lem1 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2014.

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