Mackerness Bull - Mcgnnis Bull
Is Mackerness in your family? I don't know where he was born, but I think he moved to Bilston Staffordshire sometime after the 1841 census. On that cencus he was a lodger with Cheshire family at Baston, Lincolnshire, can't find him on 1851 census. The Cheshire family moved to Staffordshire in the 1840's. there is a death for a Mackerness Bull in 1847 Bilston, Staffordshire age 72, Is he the same one on the 1841 census aged 55. Help!!!
on 2014-05-16 13:59:23
jaden has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2013.
found a marriage of a mackerness bull to mary oldham 23rd july 1799 stampford st john lincolnshire and a child born to them 1806 called joseph
also two death records of a mackerness ball 1842 & 1847 both in wolverhampton