Maginnis from Tyrone
Fred Maginnis is from Ireland. Married Annie Elizabeth Anderson,in 1900 in Cookstown,church Third Molesworth Prestyian. Came to United States 1908 with her sister Margaret. Live in New York,never had children. Husband was a bookkeeper.
on 2007-03-04 20:38:24
grandmagoogle has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2007. is researching the following names: EMERY, EMERYANDERSON, ANDERSON and 3 other(s).
fred was born in 1878 died in 1948 annie born in 1881 died in 1972
was wondering if you by chance have a Mary Mcginnis somewhere in your tree?? she was born in Ireland?? dates and exactly where is unknown, she married James Begley born in 1781 Ireland and they had 1 son John Begley this is all i can find of there children. John Begly is my 3rd great grandfather. there are various Begley/Begly spellings. John was born abt 1810 Donegal Ireland and immigrated to Scotland around 1825??? and married. any connection to your Mcginnis?? thanks karen