Marlborough, New Zealand BIRTHS - Jan-Feb 1869
some of the BIRTHS for Jan & Feb 1869
taken from the Colonist 12 Feb 1869
ARNOLD January 15, at her residence, Wilford Grove, Waimea West, Mrs James Arnold, of a son
? James & Hannah Arnold had Herbert Arnold (1869-1908)
AVERY February 3, the wife of Mr A. W. Avery, watchmaker, Blenheim, of a son
? Alfred William & Mary Ann Avery had George William Avery
BERRY February 8, the wife of Mr Berry, Wakapuaka road, of a daughter
? William Henry & Eliza Berry had Minnie Crane Berry (1869-1941)
- Minnie married Robert Henry EMMS in 1896
COOK January 11, at her residence Tasman-street, the Wood, the wife of Mr G. Cook, of a son
? George & Susan Eliza Cook had Charles Cook (1869-1897)
COTTIER January 29, Mrs H. Cottier, Albion Hotel, of a son
? Hugh & Ellen Collier had Robert Cottier
GIBLIN January 8, at Motueka, Mrs W. Giblin, of a daughter
? William & Emma Giblin had Florence Mabel Giblin
- Florence married Richard William NORTH in 1896
GILL January 23, at her residence, Manukau-street, Mrs C. Gill, of a daughter
? Carlin & Julia Gill had Mary Eve Gill
DEATH - Feb 8 1869 Mary Eva, only daughter of Mr Carlin Gill, aged 2 weeks
JACKSON January 8, at Motueka, Mrs A. B. Jackson, of a daughter
? Alfred Benjamin & Susan Jackson had Clara Sylvia Jackson (1869-1936)
- Clara married Charles PARSONS in 1893
McINTOSH January 9, at her residence, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs D. McIntosh, of a son
? nothing known
NATION January 29, at Christchurch, Mrs W. C. Nation, of a daughter
? William Charles & Annie Nation had Alice Webley/Welby Nation (1869-1970)
STALLARD January 18, at her residene, Bridge-street, Mrs W. Stallard, of a daughter
? William & Amelia Stallard had Constance Adele Stallard
- Constance married Sidney Arthur BUXTON in 1893
TASKER February 2, at her residence, Ranzau, Mrs Thomas Tasker, of a daughter
? Thomas & Elizabeth Mary Tasker had Fanny Tasker
- Fanny married Walter John MOFFATT in 1890
WALCOT February 2, at her residence, Clifton Cottage, Trafalgar-street South, the wife of Mr R. B. Walcot of a daughter
? nothing recorded
WEBLEY January 21, at her residence, Alton-street, Mrs Henry Webley, of a son
? Henry & Mary Webley had Albert Edward Webley (1869-1956)
- Albert married Annie MORRISON in 1891
WILLIAMS January 30, at Guthrie Grange, Stoke, the wife of Henry D. Williams, Esq., of a son
? Henry Davis & Jessie Williams had Ernest Henry Williams (1869-1948)
- Ernest married Elizabth CARTER in 1894
on 2012-09-02 06:43:44
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.