McMahans from Pennsylvania, to Kentucky and through Missouri<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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McMahans from Pennsylvania, to Kentucky and through Missouri

Journal by dvbrake

I have been researching the McMahan family for over 30 years. Like many MC MAHAN researchers, I am unsure about the relationship of the MC MAHANS who came to this country from Ireland in the 1740's and settled in Pennsylvania and Virginia.

I descend from:

1. William MC MAHAN a Revolutionary War Soldiers married to Margaret Susan (?) and settled in Westmoreland, PA.

2. Thomas and Diana Adams MC MAHAN - migrated westward to Clark County, KY in the late 1700's. In 1810 - 1811 Thomas, Diana, their children and their families left Kentucky and moved to Cooper County, Missouri.

3. Samuel McMahan married Sarah Clark in Madison Co., KY before coming to Missouri. Samuel was killed by indians during the War of 1812.

4. A small boy when his father was killed, John W. MC MAHAN married Elzira Turley and remained in Cooper Co., MO all of his life.

5. William Nicholas MC MAHAN married Anna Shemwell of Pettis, Co., MO. They moved to Howell County, MO in 1900. William Nicholas died a couple years after moving to Howell Co. Anna Shemwell McMahan married a second time to a neighbor and widower, Dock Greenberry Turner.

6.Charles Nicholas MC MAHAN married a beautiful woman with bright red hair from Ozark County by the name of Julia Hagan. They had one son, Nick MC MAHAN. Julia died giving birth to a second child. Charles later married Fassie Christopher.

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on 2010-07-21 18:44:50

dvbrake has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2010. is researching the following names: MCMAHAN, TURNER.

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