METTAM, Hannah - can anyone help with our mystery please? (Updated)<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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METTAM, Hannah - can anyone help with our mystery please? (Updated)

Query by DLaity

We have a Hannah Mettam marrying my great-great-grandfather on 25/12/1885 in Sheffield.
The marriage cert says she is 22, living at 248 Rockingham street (same address as groom). Her father is listed as Henry, a draper.

We also have a photo of an elderly lady, represented by my great-grandmother (daug-in-law of groom) onwards as "Hannah Mettam" & "Grandma Mettam". My Grandma & her twin remember being taken to see her as 'a very old lady' when they were little (Ties with poss death 1926-8).

There's just one problem!

In 1888 we have another marriage cert for my great-great-grandfather.
At time of marrying Sarah, he is listed as a widower.

We can find nothing on Henry and nothing more on this Hannah, nor definitely tie her in anywhere else at this time.
We'd love to work out though - who is the lady in the photo? and how does she fit?

Can anyone help us out please?


Thanks so much to Edmondsallan for getting in touch and pointing out that in my haste, I forgot a lot of pertinent information.

METTAM is the maiden name for 'our' Hannah.

The husband is Robert William Dawson (trap for the unwary, his father's the same in some docs). Her age on the marriage cert is 22 (he is 23) & she gives an address in Rockingham street.
The marriage is on 25th Dec 1885 & Robert's subsequent marriage (where he is listed as a widower) is in July 1888 (22nd or thereabouts).

Her father is listed as Henry Mettam, a draper, and there may be another connection - the witness on Robert's subsequent marriage in 1888 is either an E or P Mettam.

Unfortunately, we've not been able to find any other census entries that match up either before or after the marriage for either Hannah or Henry.
We know that Mum's Grandfather's info checks out though 1892, born to Sarah, the second wife.

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by DLaity Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2015-06-25 02:59:35

DLaity , from Westmeath, Ireland (& Devon, UK), has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2015.

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by DLaity on 2015-07-20 05:53:33

With some outside help (Michael at heirlines) it looks like we've solved this one.

Our Hannah did die a few weeks into the marriage with Robert (but we now have a copy of the death cert if it'll help anyone else) of pthisis.

It seems the "Grandma Mettam" in the photo is likely to be her mother Elizabeth.

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