I have gotten as far as JOHN HENRY MOBLEY who was born about 1834. The information I have says that he was born in MOBERLY, RANDOLPH, MO, maybe, maybe not. He marrien MARY ELIZA PHILIBERT 25 Jun 1866, she was the widow of Mr. HORN, his first name has been recorded as OLIVER, as LINUS & as LIVE. He died, leaving MARY ELIZA with three children, PHILIBERT (or PHILLIP)born 8 Nov 1857, ADAUNT PENINAH, born 30 Apr 1859 & JOSEPH FRANCIS, born 10 Jun 1861. JOSEPH FRANCIS has also been listed with the surname MOBLEY.
MARY ELIZA married JOSEPH HENRY MOBLEY and they had two sons, WILLIAM ADOLPHUS in 1866 and LEMUEL HENRY in 1876. On the 1870 census for JAMES TWP, STONE COUNTY, MO, MARY is shown living near her father and JOHN HENRY is nowhere in sight. On the 1880 census, she and the children are living with her father and she is divorced. No more news, so far about JOHN HENRY.
on 2006-03-13 19:28:16
libbypdx , from oregon, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2006. is researching the following names: VANDERVORT, BENJAMIN, HALL and 15 other(s).
looking for the any information on the mobley family that lived down south in louisiana. i think that they started out around natch. la and lake end la. i don't really know a lot because this was before my time. im trying to locate my some of my realitive. these are african american family.
John Henry went to Ark. after the divorce & remarried (I did not note the next wife's name). In Aug 1903, at the age of 78, he commented suicide in Baxter Co. Ark.
I am now trying to track him because while he married & divorced Mary Philibert, who is not in my direct line, Mary's younger brother (my 2 x g-grandfather) married 15 year old Elizabeth Mobley, born in Indiana. Due to the lack of other Mobley's in the area & the age difference there is a good chance that John Henry is Elizabeth's father, which would make him my 3 X great grandfather.