moore / wallace
My family is hard to find when I am looking for the moore link and wallace links
on 2008-11-05 19:53:36
adesborough_1 , from Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2008. is researching the following names: MOORE, MOOREANDWALLACE.
I am also looking for my family in South Australia
The wiles family. I am interested in Owen phillip wiles and his father William wiles. Question where do the come from. i Think they cam to australia from the USA. but I do not know
Thank you from Anita has an IGI Individual Record available for an Owen WILES born 1873 Hamley Bridge, South Australia, Australia, no parents names or spousal name/s provided though.
South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.. Click on DATABASES in the left-hand margin, click on DEATHS & BURIALS, and if you do a search for WILES there are quite a few...