I got into this site because i want to know more about my family. I know they are from germany and Austria but that's about it.. I want to know more about us and where we all came from..
My grandmother's mother was a Moser. It is a Swiss name originating from the French side of the Swiss Alps.
My great-grandmother was a Moser. In1905 she lived in Wren,Ohio and was married to a man named McClure. They had 6 or7 children there. Many Mosers live in the Berne,Indiana area. In New Haven Indiana there is a Moser Park.
there is a small town in canada named the moser river also.. but i have found out recently that i also was french, dutch, and a little indian in me as well and that my great grandparents on the moser side names.. Glodia and Orville Moser but that is about it.