My grandfather's name was Lionel George Cheyne, born in 1893 in Australia. His father John, also born in Australia, was married to Margaret Monika Monks. More info re Margaret. Born IReland?<script src=" :: Genealogy
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My grandfather's name was Lionel George Cheyne, born in 1893 in Australia. His father John, also born in Australia, was married to Margaret Monika Monks. More info re Margaret. Born IReland?

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by 24682468368 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2020-11-04 00:44:52

24682468368 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2020.

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by tonkin on 2020-11-04 05:58:07

Registry of Births, Victoria, Australia.
Registration number: 22532.

Name: Lionel George CHEYNE.
Birth year: 1889.
Birth place: Hayfield, Victoria.
Father: John CHEYNE.
Mother: Maggie MONKS.

This appears to be Lionel's birth but you have his birth year as 1893.
The only CHEYNE birth for 1893 was Margaret Christina CHEYNE.
Her parents were John CHEYNE and Janet SMITH.

by tonkin on 2020-11-04 07:37:47

Registry of Marriages, Victoria, Australia.
Registration number: 442.

Groom: John CHEYNE.
Bride: Margaret Teresa MONKS.
Year married: 1866.
Place: Victoria, Australia.

I expect this will be the marriage for Lionel's parents.
Not sure where Margaret's second given name of Monika comes into it.

by tonkin on 2020-11-06 02:20:31

According to the marriage record for John CHEYNE and Margaret Teresa MONKS
they were both born in County Dublin, Ireland.
John's father, John CHEYNE was born in County Antrim, Ireland.

The records indicate John's parents also came out to Australia.

Alexander George CHEYNE was born 1889 in Heyfield, Victoria, and not Hayfield.
My typo error.

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