My greatest genealogy accomplishment [52 Weeks - Week 42]
I don’t think this isn’t quite what was expected for this week’s prompt, but I’ll have to go with FamilyTreeCircles as my greatest genealogy accomplishment.
Back about 10 years ago, I had no idea what would become of the small project that started out of my own interest in my family history. It has grown to nearly 100,000 members, many of whom have broken through brick walls and found distant cousins sharing the same research. There have even been long lost family members who were reunited thanks to posts in FamilyTreeCircles.
Personally, I have found many Gingras cousins who have provided me with information that I never would have found otherwise, and I’ve been able to do the same in return for more than a few.
Most importantly, I’ve made several online friends, many of you, who have participated here over the years, lent a helping hand (or several), and have made this community what it is.
It’s been an honor and privilege to build and maintain this website. Thank you!
This post is in response to the Abundant Genealogy blogging prompts. To write your own, see here for information…
Abundant Genealogy Week #42: Biggest Genealogy Accomplishment :: Genealogy
I?m sorry we missed last week?s prompt, but let?s pick up this week with a fun one. Blow your own horn, do some crowing. What?s your biggest accomplishment in your genealogy research?via: |
on 2012-10-14 11:10:53
Scott Jangro is the owner of and has documented roots back to Mayflower passengers Stephen Hopkins and William Brewster. If you're wondering what he's doing when he's mysteriously absent, here's some links to other stuff he's responsible for:
Thank you for the site, like you I have made friends here and hopefully have helped some people with there UK ancestors. This is all down to you so a huge thank you from me