my YOUNG ancestors<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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my YOUNG ancestors

Journal by blee6

sarah walker was hosea YOUNGs 2nd wife. Nancy peterson was his first their. Childrens names are jane YOUNG b 1833 george YOUNG b 1837 franc
es zYoung. 1838, delila YOUNG 1844, ezekciel 1845 and joseph 1849

Surnames: YOUNG
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by blee6 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-05-15 01:14:29

My name is bonnie young. My father is dallas (dick) young. My mother is sylvia l. Gilliland. Those two r my primary names of interest. Youngs and gillilands from ok.ark. mo.

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by blee6 on 2012-05-15 01:15:45

All bor.n in tennessee

by blee6 on 2014-04-24 03:22:05

Found another child of hosea young and sarah walker

Almarindy evelyn "eva" young born 1881 arkansad.
She marrief john wilkes booth taylor.

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