Names on Graves at Former Hagley Presbyterian Church Tasmania ( CIRCA 1844)
These names on headstones are at the cemetery of the former Hagley Presbyterian Church, Tasmania, Australia circa 1879. Before that it was the first church of England in the district. Sir Richard Dry had a building erected circa 1839 and from the 1840's was shared by all Protestant faiths.
Sir Richard Dry organised the construction of St Mary's Hagley and for a time the old Hagley church was used as a school (located in the centre of the cemetery) until it was destroyed by fire. The land was donated to the Presbyterian Church and the new building was opened in 1879.
We have found an overgrown area in the cemetery and believe there might be more graves there. Records of who is buried here, is limited to what is written on headstones and what we have from oral history. Much to my dismay, I learned that a former Parson who was commissioned to the Hagley Church, had destroyed all the records before he returned to England.
I believe we might have most of the names. The older ones I will share later. Some are grouped together as a family plot.
One note is that the late former Prime Minister of new Zealand David Lange paid a visit to the cemetery during a Scott family re-union. Totally verify because I said hello to him on that day and we chatted over the fence.
The list is not in alphabetical order but plot order, please scroll down because the families are spread over the whole area and not necessarily in order.
If anyone requires photographs of headstones please in box me
Cobbett George d. 28/10/ 1947 age 88
Cobbett Mary Ann d. 28/10/1954 age 90
Beveridge Elizabeth d. 26/4/1949 age 66
Beveridge Frank Leslie d. 31/12/1956 age 83
Horwood Marguerita I.S d. 13/1/1953
(unmarked) James Heazlewood (there are three plots)
Gorringe Henry d. 8/2/1961 age 93
Kirkland Margaret d. 28/2/1980 age 99
Ellen Agnes Smith 19/9/1914 to 21/5/1993
Beveridge William Norman d. 28/1/1962 age 40
Selby Norman 1895 to 1972
George hector 1903 to 1973
James 1897 to 1989
Second Row:
McFarlane James Robert d. 29/8/1945 age 77
McFarlane Elizabeth d. 13/9/59 age 89
Stewart Agnes d. 12/10/1902
William d. 20/10/1916
William d. 16/10/1917
Jane d. 11/7/1952 age 90
Emms (no marking)
Paterson John Moray d. 24/4/1897 age 58
Martin d. 10/1/1908 age 60
James d. 23/5/1855 age 84
Katherine Wingate d. 05/5/1888 age 83
Margaret Kirkland d. 14/3/1888
John d. 02/3/1923 age 83
D Barr (not marked)
old man from Barrs (not marked)
Barr (not marked)
Child from Barnhams (not marked)
Mitchelson thomas d. 15/06/1902 age 56
Charlotte Helen d. 21/05/1882 age 2y 7m
Sarah d. 25/07/1908 age 66
McFarlane (Not marked) Fenced in
Lamb John d. 10/03/1877 age 45
Charles James d. 29/01/1882 age 16
Catherine Anna d. 30/07/18 age 11
Jean d. 13/09/1887 age 38
Margaret b. 26/10/1839 d. 22/04/1923 age 84
Mary Mackison d. 19/07/1939
Margaret Buchan d. 21/07/1943
Linda Marshall d. 04/01/1944
Row 3
Morice Robert d. 25/04/1897 age 63
Janet d. 11/03/1921 age 82
Paterson (unmarked)
Selby James d. 05/01/1909
Elizabeth d. 20/05/1938
James d. 25/07/1893
Robert d. 12/06/1917
A Boucher (not marked)
Beveridge Mary E d. 22/09/1896
Margaret d. 25/01/1910
Child of J Smith (not marked)
Giles Thomas d. 28/07/1892 age 60
Ellen d. 15/11/1906 age 77
Tenent Eric
Amy Margaret
Man from Carrick (unmarked)
Row 4
Nichols Janet.E d. 20/02/1903 age 61
George W. d. 23/08/1908 age 64
Smith Robert d. 07/11/1913 age 72
Jane d. 02/05/1919 age 80
(included is a plaque for Normie)
Scott Norman Douglas d. 23/08/1916 age 2y 3m
Henry Barclay d. 28/05/1965 age 84
Mary Emmaline d. 16/08/1965 age 65
Paterson John (not marked)
Bird (not marked)
Bird (not marked)
Kirkcald James d. 25/11/1918 age 81
Elizabeth d/ 14/10 1923 age 83
Lawrence William J d. 18/02/1923
Mitchelson James A d. 29/01/1938
MItchelson George Samuel d.15/06 1943 age 69
Hilouise Margaret Isis d. 17/06/1943
Row 5
Eyles George James d. 23/12/1938 age 70
Helen d. 13/11/1932 age 91
McFarlane John d. 13/02/1937 age 71
Eleanor d. 06/06/1964 age 85
Scott William Bruce d. 26/10/1923 age 76
Janet d. 24/01/1924 age 72
Margaret Dryden d. 16/03/1974 age 91
Campbell Catherine Rachel d. 03/01/1956 age 56
Campbell Alexander John d. 09/08/1941 age 72
Eliza d. 17/11/1949 age 80
Dudman Brian Bowley d. 02/05/1942 age 8d
William d. 24/10/1967 age 74
Charles William d. 07/07/1945 age 70
Mary Elsie d. 05/07/1960 age 73
Scott Gwen d.
Robert Burns d. 31/10/1931 age 50
Elvie (not marked)
Smith James Robert d. 31/10/1941 age 80
Janet d. 01/08/1950 age 83