Need England Connection

My Adams families that came to the States in 1600's. I have pretty much traced my grand father William arriving in the colony 1635 at age 15. He arrived on the "Elizabeth and Ann" and the manifest I believe had him departing Kent. Sorry but all my docuementation has never put into any formal program but is still only the papers I and my cousin have obtained from such places as Town halls and vital stats out of Massachusetts. Being a retired detective myself I have many problems with others findings?? If only they checked dates they would see mothers or fathers so called and assumed would have been too young and do not fit. It is amazing how often this happens. Even records that have been transcribed in Townships such as Ipswich/ Essex county etc have errors and assumptions with bad dates.
My dilemma has always been from which of the famous Adams family did he come. I guess from what we read that there were many Adams most likely all related in some form or another. My great Aunt who had much of the information did leave it to us and I feel she was 90 % correct. She however noted that she thought our William was from Shropshire are of Wem. Why she felt that is a mystery. I find people have contributed just as much information that William was a son to Henry Adams although much other contributions only mention a Jonathan also know as William. But if this William was older or from another marriage I can see him being left behind in England and later brought across the pond so to speak.
I also have read old news from the Shropshire time where there are Williams and Thomas's about, in fact one William I believe began a free school in Shropshire. I also feel that the Adams that came to the colonies early were probably of Welsh descent. Which would have them I suppose migrating from Wales via Shropshire and on ward to Somerset etc.
Because we find very little side ways recordings of siblings I suspect it would be a slim chance to find where someone had written that a William had been summoned to the colony by his family and for what purpose? Although I do know that some Adams member had to bring land grant /patents and a Thomas had failed to return when sent back to England. Also I feel a big help was that a relative may have been Lord Mayor of London around that time Lord Thomas Adams.
Many next generations headed south from Bay colony as well. I wonder if Robert or Thomas that are on record as being in the colonies prior to Williams arrival in 1635 did not come over on merchant contract ships. I know a Robert was in Va with Smith, did he travel north to map the bay colonies with Capt Smith and remain for a while or his offspring?