Need help finding birth parents of Lilian Frances Yvonne Holloway born 1919 in Lancashire
I believe her mothers maiden name may have been Dudley. Any extra information would be really good. Regards
on 2011-10-28 21:10:22
astrotraveller has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2009. is researching the following names: SANDERCOMBE, GARNETT, RADFORD and 5 other(s).
Lilian Holloway birth Index
Births Sep 1919
Surname: Holloway
First Name: Lilian F Y
Mother Maiden Name: Dudley
Districe: Fylde
Vol No.: 8e
Page No.: 778
If you order the certificate through GRO it will give you more information.
Thank you so much, this is actually my friends mother. I will pass on the information. Thank you again