parents of Isaac Newton Walker
Tracing the Walker family, I get to Isaac Newton Walker, b circa 1780 in North Carolina, wife Emily or Milly Greer, also born around 1780. They had a number of children, including Asa George Washington Walker b 1817. I have found no information as to Isaac's parents, birthplace, etc. Any information would be appreciated.
on 2014-08-03 18:12:10
rickfwalker has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2014.
This family is part of the Charles Walker b. 1727 family. Isaac, Asa, and Jeremiah Walker are in Lawrence County, Mississippi by the 1820's. Isaac and Jeremiah descendants are part of FTDNA Walker Surname Group 20 families. Isaac is on a petition in 1803 in Dickson County, TN and Asa owns property there. If you are still on this site and want more information please let me know.