Peter Wilkie m. Matawhio (Martha) Weiho c1838 North Otago<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Peter Wilkie m. Matawhio (Martha) Weiho c1838 North Otago

Question by Orbs

Looking for info on Peter Wilkie m. Matawhio (Martha) Weiho from Otago NZ. Their daughter Rhoda (Rora or Flora)Orbell, born Otago Heads c1838 married Arthur Orbell and lived at Port Moeraki. Would like to know more information about Peter Wilkie
and Matawhio's children and descendants.

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by Orbs Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-12-03 16:49:50

Orbs has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2012.

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by ngairedith on 2012-12-03 17:09:16

hi Orbs,
please add a heading for your posting so it can be easily accessed by readers

by marsmg96 on 2014-01-14 16:17:01

Hi Orbs. Re Mata Whio. I know a little bit. She had another child with Wiremu Potiki. I understand that Wiremu was born at Moeraki and he later moved down to the Heads at Otago. The child of the union of Matawhio and Potiki was named Ihaia Potiki. Wiremu Potiki had 3 'wives' or I suppose more correctly, 3 known relationships. I understand that Ihaia was born at the Otago Heads. I think the 'Weiho' may be a mis-spelling. Martha is a child of Te Hori and Te Ruahaunui. The parents of Te Hori are Kahuraki and Te Maaha. The parents of Te Maaha are Tane Whakatorotika and Te Maka. Tane Whakatorotika was a prominent Ngai Tahu chief of the pa at Pukekura (the Otago Heads. I am seeking a photo of Mata, Martha. I can give you more info if you contact me via my email address.

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