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Journal by itellya

Years ago, I researched Peter Young of Nairn for my dictionary history of Bulla, where he was one of the earliest pioneers.He later moved to a place called "Clyde". I always felt guilty that I had not provided more information about him after that time and while sipping a coffee tried to find the birth record of a child born at "Nairn" in 1850-without success. Suspecting that I'd found the name of Peter's wife, I googled ERSKINE SUSAN YOUNG and found the Peter Young conversation on this website, (i.e.
Peter and Susan YOUNG - Page 2 - Family History UK Genealogy ...

Could Susan Erskine have been Peter's second wife? The mention of John William's baptism below led me to this birth record.
EventBirth Event registration number889 Registration year1843
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesJohn William SexMale Father's namePeter Mother's nameElizabeth Place of birthMELBOURNE

No record found. BIRTH.
At Nairn, parish of Bulla Bulla, on the 25th instant, Mrs. Peter Young, of a daughter. (P.2, Argus, 27-4-1850.)

EventBirth Event registration number182 Registration year1853
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesThomas SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAH

EventBirth Event registration number6807 Registration year1855
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesJanet SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAHRAN

EventBirth Event registration number13986 Registration year1857
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesAnn SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAHRAN

EventBirth Event registration number6892 Registration year1860
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesMargaret SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAH
(Margaret's marriage.
CAMERON—YOUNG - On the 25th April, by the Rev.J. L. Rentoul, John, second son of John Cameron,Esq., tailor, High-street, Prahran, to Margaret, fourth daughter of Peter Young, Esq., 25 Little Collins-street east, Melbourne, and Murray-street, Prahran. P.1, The Age, 5-5-1883. I wonder if Cameron was a descendant of the grantee of section 11, Bulla, north of "Nairn".)

EventBirth Event registration number16886 Registration year1862
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesUnnamed Female SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAH

EventBirth Event registration number10937 Registration year1864
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesSusan SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAH
(Details of Susan's marriage to H.W.Shepherd in 1895 appear below but this notice supplies more information.
SHEPHERD—YOUNG.—On the 10th ult., at Malvern, by the Rev. J. Gordon Mackie, Henry Wastdale Shepherd, of Albert-park, solicitor, second son of the late Richard Shepherd, Esq., major V.V.A. (unattached), to Susan, daughter of the late Peter Young, Esq., of Melbourne, and Clyde-park,Westernport. P.1, Argus, 6-5-1895.)

EventBirth Event registration number10492 Registration year1866
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesElizabeth SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthP'RAN
(Elizabeth's marriage notice which alerted me to the birth.
DOWNES — YOUNG. — On the 28th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J.G.Mackie, Arthur William, third son of John Downes, Prahran, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Peter Young, of Melbourne and Westernport. P.11, Weekly Times,22-4-1893.)

Looks like another one!
YOUNG.—On the 10th inst, at Prahran, Mrs. Peter Young of a son.(P.4, Argus, 13-4-1869.)

EventBirth Event registration number10899 Registration year1869
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesPeter Alexander SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAHRAN
(Peter's marriage notice.
YOUNG — CHAMBERLIN. — On the 10th ult., at the residence of the bride's sister, Airlie, Byron street. North Brighton, by the Rev. W. S. Rolland, Peter, son of Peter Young, of Melbourne and Western Port, to Edith, youngest daughter of George F. Chamberlin, chemist, South Yarra. P.11, Weekly Times,18-6-1892.)

Frisky devil! Poor Susan!
EventBirth Event registration number25553 Registration year1871
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesAlexander Robert SexUnknown Father's namePeter Mother's nameSusan (Erskine) Place of birthPRAH
That's all folks! The last two inserted this notice a year after their father's death.
YOUNG.—In loving memory of our dear father, Peter Young, who departed this life August 9, 1893.—(Inserted by his loving sons, P. and A.Y.) P.1, Argus, 9-8-1894.

EventDeath Event registration number12303 Registration year1878
Personal information
Family nameYOUNG Given namesSusan SexUnknown Father's nameErskine Thomas Mother's nameJanet (Fraser) Place of birthSCOT Place of death Age46 Spouse's family nameYOUNG Spouse's given namesPeter

YOUNG.-On the 17th inst., at Murray-street,Prahran, Susan, the beloved wife of Peter Young,aged 46 years.
(The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (Vic. : 1866 - 1888) Saturday 26 October 1878 p 2)

Peter was much involved in the betterment of facilities in the Bulla- Broadmeadows area, particularly the establishment of a Presbyterian Church and a vigorous campaign to have mail deliveries to Bulla re-established. Clyde (Clyde Park) was at Westernport as stated in Peter's death notice, by which time he was living in Prahran and was a wire worker. He had left Clyde Park and his occupation seemed to present a marked contrast to the extensive background he gave when setting up as a stock and station agent soon after his arrival. But his funeral notice indicates that he owned his own business.

YOUNG.—On the 9th inst., at his residence, 51
Murray-street, Prahran, Peter Young, wire worker,
of Melbourne, and of Clyde-park, Westernport,
aged 66 years. A colonist of 40 years.

YOUNG.—The Friends of the late Mr. PETER
YOUNG, wireworker, of Little Lonsdale-street,
city, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to
the place of interment, the St. Kilda General
The funeral is appointed to move from his late
residence, 51 Murray-street, Prahran, tomorrow
(Friday, August 11, 1893), at 3 o'clock punctually.
(Both P.1, Argus, 18-8-1893.)

PLEASE FORGIVE MY NOT HAVING CORRECTED THE TEXT. (I probably corrected it in my dictionary history of Bulla.)

FORMERLY Land Steward for the
Marquis of Brcadalbane, afterwards
Experimental Farmer and Land Steward for
A. Spcirs, Esq., Elderslic, M. P. for Rich-
mond, subsequently Superintendent of tlie
Government Domain Farm in Van Diemen's
Land ; and Utterly Superinteaacat ' of the
extensive Sheep, Cattle, and Iforse. Stations
belonging to Messrs. J. and" W. Macarthur,
of Camden, New South >Y tiles, to whom he
also acted in the capacity of Land Surveyor
and Valuator — Begs most respectfully to
announce to his numerous friends in Port
Phillip, and the public in general, that he
has commenced the business of
for the Sale of Live Stock, Landed Property
and Merchandize in general.
Mr. Y., in addition to tho experience ac
quired in the management Hiid sale of stock
in Scotland, ""whore the cattle he bred for the
Marquis of Br 0adalhane carried the prizes
at tlie Highland Society of Scotland'sgeneral
shows for many years, andthcir increase still
continue to ma ntain the former character
for superiority, i he liae alsoliad the benefit
of acquiring a knowledge of the manage
ment of stock A practised in Van Diemon's
Land ; and he particularly bogs to refer to
tne ample opportunities afforded him under
the. Messrs. Macarthur, of Camden, of ob
taining tlie best information to bo got in
the Colo nies of Australasia, as to the man
agement of sheep, both as regards the best
mode of breeding aud classifying fine
woollcd sheep, and the methods of washing,
sorting, and getting up their fleeces. Mr.
Y. would further add, that he not only
studied the above branches of pastoral pur
suits under Messrs. Macarthur, (whose ex
tensive experience' is well known,) but like
wise had the advantage of studying the
German method of breeding sheep and
sorting wool, with Mr. KeUh, from Ger
many, then wool-sorter for Messrs. Macar
thur, now wool-sorter for the Australian
Agricultural Company at Port Stephens.
Mr. Y., therefore, would submit to any
Gentlemen, favouring" him with their
Commissions, that he' is enabled to give
useful advice either in tlie ' sale or
purchase of sheep stock, or as to
the quality of country suited for
their pasture. For liis experience in
the breeding and value of horses and cattle,"
as well as his knowledge of the value of land
and liifi capacity to conduct tlie sale of other
rroductiooe of rural economy, Mr. Y, would
most respectfully beg leave to refer to tlie
testimonials lie liolds from C. "W. Campbell,
Esq., of Boreland, J.P. and B.B. ; A. G.
Speirs, Esq., of Culcreuch, Deputy Lord
Lieutenant pf Stirlingshire, and late M. P.
for Paisley ; the late A. Speirs, Esq., of
Elderslic, late M. P. for Richmond ; Jaines
Hamilton, Esq., hiR Prussian MajcstyVCon-
sul for the City of Glasgow' ; liis Excellency
Sir GeorgO Arthur, late Governor of Van
Dicmcn's" Land ; Messrs. J. and W. Macar
thur, of Camden, New South Wales ; aud a
number of factors, land stewards, and other
practical stock-breedera and agriculturists
in Scotland.
Mr. Y, begs. to state that he has opened
the Livery Stables attached to the Crown
Hotel, Lonbdale-street, until tuoro extensive
premises be erected, where ho will hold
sales of horses by auction and private bar
gain, -on Wednesday and Saturday each
week, beginning tlie public sale regularly at
12 o'clock tioon on each day.
"In conducting the sale of land, Mr. Y
will personally survey, map, and subdivide
it to the bast advantage, not only as regards
ita natural capabilities, but alao to suit the
domand In the market.
In conclusion, Mr. Y. hopes, by diligent
attention to business, strict integrity with
the public, and xe&l for the interest of his
1 constituents, to merit a share Of public
1 Melbourne, 29th July, 1847.
(P.1, Port Phillip Gazette and Settlers' Journal,20-12-1847.)

YOUNG Peter.
In "Broadmeadows: A Forgotten History", Andrew Lemon mentioned George Langhorne conducting Free Presbyterian services at Peter Young's Nairn and how the United Presbyterians had caused problems. Andrew's source was obviously Peter Young's letter published on page 4 of The Argus of 19-2-1851.
Here are the headlines about Peter Young. He was a very proud Scot with a good knowledge of the "land o' cakes" and a love of poetry. He was on the front foot when situations needed correcting. He was a stalwart of the Free Presbyterians and a member of the Order of Oddfellows, working hard to advance the former and defending the latter group from unjustified criticism. Above all he was an expert farmer, and I mean an EXPERT. He seems to have moved to Clyde Park, Westernport before his death.

Bulla Bulla, County of Bourke [cartographic material] / drawn and ...

As I have the Bulla Bulla map now I'll tell you about Nairn before I detail the trove articles. See Melway map 384. Peter Young received the grant for Section 8 (a square mile/ 640 acres) on 26-11-1848. He added the 130 acre 7B on the other side of St John's Lane on 18-9-1851. (St John's lane led to the Brannigans' "St John's Hill".) The William Inglis and Son thoroughbred horse sales complex is in the south east corner of section 8 and the end of the public section of St Johns Rd indicates its north western corner. Allotment B of section 7 is between St Johns Rd and Deep Creek; the southern boundary was the now closed road in C-E 12 and the northern boundary is indicated by 110 St Johns Rd.

While reading Isaac Batey's fascinating historical articles in the Sunbury newspaper, I half-noticed his reference to a Mr Young being ( a squatter?) near Essendon in the early days (probably 1847.)This could have been Peter Young. I will start with an advertisement that Peter placed in The Argus (as I thought, soon after arriving), which outlines his past.He was actually in Victoria by 1842!
All items are from The Argus unless otherwise specified: 1846-8 was the Melbourne Argus.

24-9-1847 page 2. Peter announced that he was setting up as an auctioneer and commission agent. He said that he had been land steward for the Marquis of Breadalbane (in Scotland), an experimental farmer and land steward for A. Speirs, the M.P. for Richmond (Tasmania), superintendent of the Government Domain farm in Van Dieman's Land and latterly superintendent of J. and W. Macarthur's stations. Peter must have arrived in Melbourne by 1846 or very early 1847. A letter he wrote to the Port Phillip Gazette was republished in the Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12-6-1847 page 4.) There had been an outbreak of black leg in young cattle near Port Fairy,to which no solution had been found,and Peter wrote from the Crown Hotel outlining his method that had worked so successfully in New South Wales in the winter of 1837. He had been in charge of 8000 cattle and the sudden death of cattle 20 miles away was put down to snake bites until Peter arrived and diagnosed black leg after dissecting a carcass.

27-1-1847 page 1-2. Peter made a toast at the Robbie Burns Festival that was a virtual history of Scotland and occupied 4 1/2 columns of The Argus.

28-5-1847 page 2. SEYMOUR. Preparations are being made for the sale to be conducted by Mr Peter Young on the 24th. This was to be the first ever in the township.Peter was auctioning well before the advertisement appeared.

1-6-1847 page 2. An excited report of the sale was given. The correspondent told of Peter's plans for regular sales.

3-8-1847 page 2. A DANGEROUS NUISANCE. At the close of business at the Police Office on Saturday, Mr Peter Young informed the Mayor of the cattle, horses, pigs and goats in Latrobe St West and no constable ever being seen to control this. The Chief Constable, who had earlier ignored Peter's complaints, was huffy but the Mayor instructed him to send two constables and impound these animals.

30-11-1847. The Seymour correspondent understood that Peter had intended to conduct quarterly sale but none (bar the first) had come off yet.

20-4-1849 page 4. Peter complained that he hadn't been getting his Argus or Patriot.He was now on Nairn.

19-4-1850 page 3, column 4. FOR SALE. Seed wheat and potatoes of a very superior quality grown from seed of last year's crop at Warrnambool. On sale by the undersigned, Peter Young, Nairn, Deep Creek.

27-4-1850 page 2. BIRTH. At Nairn, parish of Bulla Bulla on the 25th, Mrs Peter Young of a daughter.

8-1-1851 page 2.(Original correspondence to the Mt Macedon paper.) Peter said that up until the end of 1850 mail had been picked up at Mr Wright's Bridge Inn but the mail run to Mt Macedon now went through Keilor. (This is of interest because it seems that Tulip Wright did start the Lincolnshire Hotel's construction during 1851. Donohue applied for the Bridge Inn licence in 1851 but his application was postponed because of the filthy state of the Bridge Inn. (See THE HOTELS NEAR TULLAMARINE journal.) It may have been because Tulip had left, abandoning his hotel, that the route was changed.)Peter complained that 500 residents near Bulla now had to pick up their mail from Melbourne or Gisborne, stating that only about 5 people lived on the new route between Keilor and The Gap. (He was talking about William Taylor of Overnewton, James Robertson of Upper Keilor,possibly the Page Brothers of Glencoe-I'll have to ask Isaac Batey if they were still there; their drinking might have seen them off by 1851, and one or two others.) P.S. Edward Page advertised the homestead block in 1859. (The Argus 27-6-1859 page 2, column 2.)

10-2-1851 page 2. Peter hasn't given up. He now accuses two magistrates of using undue influence to change the mail run. One magistrate was certainly William Taylor; I'm not sure if Robertson was a J.P. too. His son, James, was and another son, Francis, was a member of parliament.

19-2-1851 page 4.Peter wrote a letter about Langhorne teaching Sunday School at the schoolhouse on Nairn on Sunday mornings and conducting Free Presbyterian services in the afternoon and how the United Presbyterians
were interfering with their fund-raising for a church for Broadmeadows and Deep Creek (Westmeadows and Bulla.)
"Vision and Realisation", the Victorian Education Department history of 1972, mentioned an early school on the McDougalls' "Warlaby" (probably named Oaklands) in a declivity; this may have been a mistaken reference to Peter's school unless another was built on Warlaby later. My memory from reading the book 20 years ago is dim but I think it mentioned two schools with different National School numbers.

31-5-1851 page 2. Another farming problem had arisen, smut in wheat. As everyone would know, when crops are affected, prices rise. Think bananas! Due to his innovative ideas and experience, Peter had worked out a solution and he could have cashed in big-time. He had put down 140 acres of wheat at Nairn the previous year and not one head of smutted wheat had grown due to his treatment of the grain before planting that he had developed 17 years earlier. Peter was not going to keep this a secret and let his colleague suffer. Could you imagine Coles giving Woolworths a helping hand?

25-6-1852. Peter wrote a letter headed "To Improve Crops by Pollen" which showed that he had a thorough grasp of the history of the development of the various types of wheat.

11-8-1852 page 6.Peter Young of Nairn requested permission from those who had donated money for the church in the parish of Bulla (not enough to proceed) to hand it over to the National School, whose establishment had been resolved at a meeting he'd recently chaired.

The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston) 3-11-1852 page 722 (no kidding!) As Peter McCracken , the President of the Port Phillip Farmers' Society was absent (due to the drowning of his young son, William, in the Moonee Ponds Creek near the bottom of Pascoe St, Westmeadows; see McCracken below), Peter Young of Nairn took the chair, filling it most capably, at the function to honour David Duncan's service to the organisation. (See the WILLIAM THOMPSON AND DAVID DUNCAN journal.)

6-3-1868 page 2. Evan McIntosh was holding a clearing sale at Nairn, his lease having expired. Peter may have moved to Westernport but he also could have been conducting a business in Melbourne.

6-5-1895 page 1. H.W.Shepherd married Susan, the daughter of the late Mr Peter Young Esquire of Melbourne and Clyde Park, Westernport.

While trove is a fantastic resource, it does not distinguish between the surname Young and the opposite of old, which led to many wasted hours. I did not find any other family notices or references to Clyde Park, Westernport apart from the 1895 marriage of his daughter.

I tried googling YOUNG with CLYDE, BERWICK and WESTERNPORT, the last named combination reminding me of a discovery I made at the P.R.O.V. (See SQUATTERS IN THE WESTERNPORT DISTRICT journal.)

A website headed FREDERICK XAVIER TO ARTHUR ZOUCH has the following information.
The Melbourne Times of 23-4-1842 recorded that Peter Young had been granted a publican's licence for the "Bushman" in Sydney Road.The Port Phillip of 21-4-1843 shows that the hotel, once again described as being on Sydney Road was now called the Sugar Loaf Inn. The same paper, on 27-4-1844,stated that Peter had been granted his licence but the hotel was again called the Bushman.
(An alphabetical listing of squatters and their runs, from correspondence with the Governor, which is a different website, lists Peter Young of the Sugar Loaf Run.) Given Peter's purchase of land in Seymour at the first sales, his conducting the first sales in the township and the fact that Sugarloaf Creek intersects the Hume Highway in Seymour, it is reasonable to assume that the hotel was at Seymour and not in modern-day Carlton, Brunswick (or Plenty, Pascoeville near the Young Queen Inn, or Tullamarine near the Lady of the Lake- routes more likely to be called Sydney Road in the early 1840's.)
Rev. Peter Gunn, who became the minister at the Campbellfield's historic Scots Church (Melway 7 H6), had visited the Golburn (River?) area and Peter was among a large number who signed a letter of encouragement and contributed 50 pounds to support his ministry; another signatory was from Sunday Creek, which joins Sugarloaf Creek.(Port Phillip Herald 1-10-1844.)

Peter Young and Elizabeth christened John William in 1843.
Peter Young purchased allotments at the first sale of blocks at Seymour. (Melbourne Weekly Courier 23-3-1844.)
Peter Young was one of 469 voters who qualified by freehold in Seymour in the list of electors in the District of Bourke (Melbourne Courier 8-8-1845.)Peter Young was listed in the (1847?) Port Phillip directory as a settler, Seymour, Sydney Rd.

The website also lists newspaper reports showing that Peter Young was given depasturing licences in July 1843 and October 1844 in the Westernport District.AHA, I thought, perhaps Peter had been on Clyde Farm, Westernport before he went to Bulla. Then I remembered my search for a grant (or licence) that Captain Adams of Rosebud was supposed to have been given in about 1841. All such matters were dealt with in Sydney and the Public Records office gave me an index of correspondence. As Peninsula pioneers were referred to as late as 1888 in "Victoria and Its Metropolis" as being in the Westernport District, I concentrated on those entries.

Imagine my surprise to find Barker's Mt Alexander Run (near Castlemaine) described as being in the Westernport District! In view of what has been mentioned before, Peter Young's depasturing licences were almost certainly near Seymour.

Still none the wiser,about when Peter left Nairn, I returned to Trove and tried "Nairn, Bulla, Young, 1850-1867".
Argus 18-4-1853 page 12. Peter was offering Nairn for sale by private contract. He had probably only been there for about five years but how much he had accomplished! The advertisement describes the property in great detail, including the waterfall.For the sale of his furniture, library, stock, vehicles and so on, Peter employed prominent auctioneer, Dalmahoy Campbell (much discussed by Harry Peck in his "Memoirs of a Stockman.) (See Argus 20-5-1853 page 9.)

Argus 4-6-1853 page 8, column 1. Peter offered an incredible variety of grape vine cuttings for sale.

Joseph Clarke of "Goolpala", Saltwater River (Probably the future "Rupertswood")might have bought all of Peter's property north of Melbourne.The Argus of 16-9-1865 reported, on page 2, the sale of the late Joseph's estate: lot 1. Nairn; lot 2.About 9 acres of portions 29 and 30 Doutta Galla near the racecourse (the future showgrounds site near Clarke Ave, Melway 28 F11); lots 3-9. original allotments in the Township of Seymour. N.B. Clarke may have bought the showgrounds land from the grantee, Pearson, who had sold 4 acres to John and David Charles Ricketts in 1851.

The advertisement states that Nairn was split into two farms, leased by Mr McIntosh (300 acres) and Mr Millar (450 acres.) Part of Nairn was to become William Michie's "Cairnbrae". It also stated that Peter had framed the economy of Nairn upon sure principles and described the orchards and so on. In 1860, W.C.Howie had been on Nairn and placed a notice about a black pig that had strayed into his paddock (The Argus 30-6-1860 page 8, last column.)

As we know that Peter was an auctioneer, he may have been a partner of the firm of Young and Timbury,which advertised the sale of the cargo of a ship in The Argus of 18-5-1860 (page 2, bottom of column 4.)

I've only scratched the surface of a PETER YOUNG search on trove. For example it appears that his son Peter took over the wire-working business and died at Ingle-Nook in Caulfield in 1922.

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on 2017-07-09 07:20:09

Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.

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