PILGRIM Henry married Agnes THORBURNE 1862
Information Journal.
Groom: Henry Thomas PILGRIM.
Age: 22 years.
Status: Not recorded.
Father: Thomas PILGRIM.
Bride: Agnes THORBURNE.
Age: 17 years.
Status: Single.
Father: James John THORBURNE.
Date married: 25 February 1862.
Place: BC Chapel, Auburn, South Australia.
Possible death for Henry is 1921 Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Possible death for Agnes is 1940 Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Thirteen children located South Australian records for Henry and Agnes.
Lilly Elizabeth PILGRIM.
Born: 06 February 1865, Kapunda, South Australia.
Died: 22 February 1867, Strathalbyn, South Australia.
Age: 02 years.
Louisa Cooper PILGRIM.
Born: 18 March 1867, Strathalbyn, South Australia.
Died: -
Married: Charles H GOODSOR.
Year: 1888.
Place: Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Henry Auburn PILGRIM.
Born: 14 March 1869, Strathalbyn, South Australia.
Died: 13 October 1939, South Perth, Western Australia.
Age: 70 years.
Buried: Karrakatta Cemetery, Western Australia.
Area: Anglican.
Section: WB.
Grave site: 0277.
Married: Marian Amelia DRAPER.
Date: 12 February 1896.
Place: Holy Trinity Rectory, Adelaide, South Australia.
Marian died 21 May 1937, South Perth, Western Australia.
Age: 61 years.
Buried: Karrakatta Cemetery, Western Australia.
Area: Anglican.
Section: WB.
Grave site: 0277.
Birth note.
Marian was born 24 July 1875, Port Victor, South Australia.
Parents named as Charles William DRAPER and Mary Ester WHITE.
See post PILGRIM Henry married Marian DRAPER 1896
Agnes Eliza PILGRIM.
Born: 29 December 1870, Auburn, South Australia.
Died: 14 March 1964, Rossmoyne, Western Australia.
Age: 93 years.
Buried: Karrakatta Cemetery, Western Australia.
Area: Seventh Day Adventist.
Section: BA.
Grave site: 0248.
Married: James Ramsey MILLEN.
Year: 1892.
Place: Broken Hill, New South Wales.
James died 22 August 1948, Victoria Park, Western Australia.
Age: 87 years.
Buried: Karrakatta Cemetery, Western Australia.
Area: Seventh Day Adventist.
Section: BA.
Grave site: 0248.
Albert Thorburne PILGRIM.
Born: 16 September 1872, Auburn, South Australia.
Died: 20 March 1878, Gladstone, South Australia.
Age: 05 years.
Josephine Laura PILGRIM.
Born: 18 September 1874, Laura, South Australia.
Died: -
Married: Duncan MCCALLUM.
Year: 1895.
Place: Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Arthur Earnest PILGRIM.
Born: 03 February 1876, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: 1940 Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Married: Annie Elizabeth GUY.
Date: 04 January 1905.
Place: Residence of Phillip GUY, Gawler, South Australia.
Annie died 16 October 1957, Beulah Park Hospital, South Australia.
Age: 78 years.
Residence: Kensington Park, South Australia.
Status: Widow.
Deceased husband named as Arthur Ernest PILGRIM.
Leopold John Francis PILGRIM.
Born: 18 August 1877, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: 11 November 1878, Booyoolee, South Australia.
Age: 14 months.
Norman Frederick PILGRIM.
Born: 02 March 1880, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: 24 May 1882, Gladstone, South Australia.
Age: 02 years.
Donald Herbert PILGRIM.
Born: 17 December 1881, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: 1960 in New Zealand.
Age: 78 years.
Married 1: Elizabeth HOUSTON.
Year: 1909.
Place: New Zealand.
Elizabeth died 1925 in New Zealand.
Age: 41 years.
Married 2: Jane Elizabeth Sarah MURCHIE.
Year: 1927.
Place: New Zealand.
Jane died 1974 in New Zealand.
Age: Not recorded.
Birth date given as 03 January 1890.
Harold Leon PILGRIM.
Born: 19 January 1884, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: 15 December 1884, Gladstone, South Australia.
Age: 11 months.
Bessie Wilson PILGRIM.
Born: 01 December 1885, Gladstone, South Australia.
Died: -
Married: Alfred E COLEMAN.
Year: 1911.
Place: Broken Hill, New South Wales.
Lena Maud PILGRIM.
Born: 01 December 1885, Gladstone, South Austraslia.
Died: 09 February 1886, Gladstone, South Australia.
Age: 10 weeks.
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, South Australia.
Registry of Deaths and Marriages, New South Wales.
Registry of Deaths, Western Australia.
Registry of Deaths and Marriages, New Zealand.
Karrakatta Cemetery Records, Western Australia.
JN 54928
on 2013-05-03 01:40:02
tonkin lives in Victoria, Australia.
Please note:
Journals are intended to assist new members locate family lines in Australia and should only be used as a guide for follow up research and record searches as intended. Due to spelling and informant errors appearing in the records, typo errors and my misreading of the records mistakes must be expected. Errors will be corrected when detected or advised.