Relatives of Lillie D JARVIS JONES LISTON
Looking for Lillie (JARVIS)(JONES)LISTON married my g grandfather George Jefferson Liston. She was born in 1889 in Alabama. Her daughter, my grandmother, Loretta Lee (Liston) (Priest) Weldon is still alive but she doesn't remember much about her or her family. I remember as a kid that my grandma said something about her family being from Wales, but that's really just something that doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
Another relative searching our tree found a census record from 1900 that seems to match up with her birthdate and place of birth,but we're not 100% certain that this is her. See if you recognize any of these names:
Lillie D Jarvis[Lillie D Jones]
Home in 1900:Poplar Spring, Tallapoosa, Alabama
Father's name:William F M Jarvis
Father's Birthplace:Alabama
Mother's name:Jane P Jarvis
Mother's Birthplace:Alabama
Household Members:
William F M Jarvis 44
Jane P Jarvis 39
George Y Jarvis 20
James H Jarvis 19
Terlitha M Jarvis 18
Augustus O Jarvis 16
Rosie B Jarvis 14
Sarah A Jarvis 12
Lillie D Jarvis 11
*Illa J Jarvis 9
Nancy E Jarvis 8
Willie O Jarvis 6
Jessie I Jarvis 4
Mary L Jarvis 2
Jane Carrel 63