Researching PAYNE/PAINE Family of Dromore, Co. Down, Ireland & Dundee, Scotland
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I am researching the PAYNE/PAINE Family of Dromore, Co. Down, Ireland & Dundee, Scotland. Our family originated in Dromore, Co. Down and emigrated to Dundee, Scotland at the time of the Irish Famine.
My Grandparents came to the USA in the 1920s.
I am surprised that this website doesn't allow the uploading of GEDCOMs-- it would make it a lot easier for folks to check if they are researching the same lines.
So, it's best just to email me directly if you are researching this family.
I can be reached at SaturnCat at yahoo dot com.

on 2013-01-04 07:26:23
SaturnCat has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2013.