My Family Ancestor Job Wilson was a convict, His Wife was Elizabeth Rogers..
The Wilson Family are mentioned in
( Some Ups and Downs of an old Richmondite by Mr Alfred Smith.
Chronicled by Robert Farlow.
[For the Gazette:]) ..
Another Ancestor ( John Lane) is also Mentioned..
on 2017-07-23 23:15:19
Born !944,
Associated Family Names, Tough, ( Finch Bennett ),Wilson, Petrie, Lane,
Celey, Rogers, Clayton, Schickh, Steed, Riley , Railey, Barham, ...
I have transcribed all of the Alfred Smith chronicles, Some are in here and some I have on another site. I've had them in here in draft for about five years. The thing is they have been damaged in here on this site and need correcting again.
[url=] Alfred Smith 1831-1917
Recollections 5 & 6
Recollections 7 & 8
I'll see if I can find the one with Job Wilson in it.
Elizabeth Ann Rogers 1800–1878 and Job Wilson 1784-1867
not related, she was the great aunt of the wife of a second cousin.
Here is the one with the Wilson Family in it.
Hi Janilye,
Elizabeth Rogers 1, daughter of John Rogers Convict was
wife of Job ( Jacob Wilson ) Married 1816..
Elizabeth's mother was Elizabeth Celey Rogers..( Convict)..
Two sister's of Elizabeth Rogers 1,
were, Married Name Barwick ( Berwick ).
Married Name Turner..
Sorry erbert! I mean't, 'I' am not related. Well not closely; I do have them on my tree; through her sister, Charlotte Berwick, nee Rogers. granddaughter,
Kate Eliza Barwick 1857-1933, married my 2nd cousin 3x, John Wesley EATHER 1854-1945.
That's fine,
Glad that is understood..
In the Wilson Family tree,
there are many people who connect..
An interesting one to me is, George Davis..
who married a Wilson, His brother John Davis Married Eleanor
Hawkins, she is sister to ( My forebear, Hanna Hawkins )..
Elizabeth Lane Wilson, my G G grandmother is her Daughter..
Even more surprising is
( My Wife is a g g g Granddaughter of Eleanor.
My Wife's Maiden Name DAVIS..
So we are about 3 rd Cousins...