Rojas is a Spanish Basque name that is my cousin's married name: Victo...<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Rojas is a Spanish Basque name that is my cousin's married name: Victo...

Journal by Roger_B

Rojas is a Spanish Basque name that is my cousin's married name: Victor Rojas-Rojas
emigrated to the USA about 1900 from Spain.

Surnames: ROJAS
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by Roger_B Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2004-01-15 19:39:42

Roger_B has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov -0001. is researching the following names: BAGULA, BAGOLA, BAGULEY and 11 other(s).

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by lcrojasjr on 2010-11-02 17:16:15

Do you have any other information about Rojas's?

by roger_bagula on 2013-06-01 12:28:18

At one time I followed the migration of cousin's husband's father from Spain
through Mexico where he met Guadalupe Hernandez who he later married
and they had a family in San Diego and died there.
It appears that he left Spain at the time of a uprising of the Basque that failed.

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