ROLL OF HONOUR 1914-1918, ROSEBUD, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA.<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by itellya

Every Anzac Day, a large crowd assembles near the Edna Dunk memorial clock to honour our Anzacs. Tonight I discovered that the Dromana Historical Society and the Dromana R.S.L. have received funding for an Anzac Centenary project but the Rosebud lads will not be included. This has prompted me to write about those named on Rosebud Primary School's ROLL OF HONOUR. Few of those who assemble for the Anzac Day ceremony would be aware of the roll of honour and the Rosebud R.S.L. may well be unaware of its existence. Those most likely to know about the Roll of Honour are the youngsters from Rosebud Primary School where it is displayed prominently near the office. It honours former pupils of the school. In 2010,I recorded the names of those who served in W.W.1 when I started my research into the history of Rosebud and the Mornington Peninsula and last year,on Anzac Day, I wrote a short journal about the Anzacs from Rosebud and Tullamarine.

My search for information about the roll of honour and those named on it is not going to be as easy as I thought it would be, but the following is of interest.
Land subdivision in the Rosebud area made building blocks available and additional families settled in the area. Rosebud State School, number 2627, was served by a number of Head Teachers over the years and when war broke out in 1914 Mr Charles Perrin was in charge. He volunteered for war service in the last term of 1915 and was replaced as Head Teacher by Mr Andrew Allingham who was to stay on as Head Teacher until the end of 1927.

(Postscript, 8:20 a.m. 25-4-2014. After checking the details of the service at Rosebud, I thought I'd google ANZAC, ROSEBUD, HOBLEY to see what would come up. It seems that Dick Hobley and A.A.Allingham, of Rosebud who died circa 1992, were associated with a unit based in Western Australia during W.W.2.
PioneerStory#21 History 2:2 -‎
Aug 2, 1992 - from Dick Hobley from Esperance with apologies. )

Local men who joined the Army are listed on the 1914-18 Honour Roll which has been kept at the school. For many years it hung over the fireplace in Room 2 but is now mounted on the wall outside the office.

Mr Charles Perrin, the former Head Teacher, was killed in action in 1918.
(History - Rosebud Primary School‎)


See comment of this date (American time)regarding George Parry, J.E.Peatey's death and discovery of the following information. Those listed on the R.S.L. Roll of Honour enlisted at Rosebud. The information is placed here for easy comparison of the two rolls.



All enlisted from Rosebud.

Peatey is written as Peaty in the framed information and the spelling of Chilton/Chiltern* also varies. E.J.Edmonds (or his son)was known as Ned and was related to the Williams family of "Eastbourne".Arthur Hounslow was probably related by marriage to the Peateys.
(*The correct spelling would appear to be Chilton and the family may have been living on Tute land west of Jetty Rd.
Bush Fires. ROSEBUD.
Mornington Standard (Frankston, Vic. : 1911 - 1920) Saturday 31 January 1914 p 2 Article
... Bush Fires. ROSEBUD. A fire, which threatened for a time to cause serious damage, occurred at ... of wind carrying the fire to the west caused the house occupied by Mr Chilton to be in danger for a ... 294 words)

I had recently stumbled across an article involving Rosebud's Mrs Tute and the Empire.
Fine weather favored the Empire Day celebrated at Rosebud on Friday, 22nd May. In the morning the scholars, under their teacher(Mr Perrin) assisted by the members of the school committee and a number of parents and friends assembled in front of the school to perform the ceremony of saluting the flag, followed by three hearty cheers for " King, Queen, and Empire."

The gathering then proceeded into the schoolroom, which was gaily decorated for the occasion. Here interesting addresses were delivered by Mrs Clifford Tute (late of India) and Mr Alexander, J.P. Mrs Tute spoke of the power of the British Empire, its vast extent and its varied peoples.(P.2,Mornington Standard, 30-5-1914.)

It was no surprise to find this.
A meeting of the Rosebud Patriotic Committee was held in the hall on 3rd February. Mrs D. Bucher, one of the
vice-presidents, occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance of members.A letter was read from Mrs. Clifford Tute resigning her position as President of the committee, owing to her approaching visit to Europe. Mrs Tute's resignation was accepted with regret, and Mrs.D.Bucher was elected President in her place.
(P.2, Mornington Standard, 20-2-1915.)

On 29-1-1937,K.Tute was granted 626 acres 3 roods and 18 perches south of Waterfall Gully Rd.The Tutes were not assessed in 1910 but in 1919,Mrs Katrine Tute paid rates on 610 acres (crown allotments 30,30A,17A,16,section B,Wannaeue) and Mr Tute (probably Clifford) on 660 acres (crown allotments 3AB,4,7, 9E,9A,part 5,section B,Wannaeue.)Descriptions of properties were unreliable but the 660 acres seemed to be near Boneo Rd,part of it farmed by Donald McGillvray* in 1910.
(*See the five McGillvray boys on the state school roll of honour.)

Mrs. R. Clifford Tute, of Camphill, Dromana, is staying for a while at The Gables,Domain road, South Yarra.
(P.43,The Australasian,30-11-1918.)

First World War Embarkation Rolls - Richard Clifford Tute
Rank: Lieutenant Quartermaster
Roll title: 4 Field Ambulance (December 1914)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 22 December 1914
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Berrima A35

Richard Clifford Tute was 40 when he embarked in 1914. He seems to have come from a very clever family which absorbed the culture of India while there. The author's birth year (1874) matches that of the Rosebud resident.
Details - The AIF Project
Richard Clifford TUTE ... Next of kin, Catherine Tute, Rosebud, Victoria ... Embarkation details, Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A35 ...

Permalink to this record - State Library of New South Wales ...
Selections. Translations from Omar Khayyam / by Richard Clifford Tute, Clifford Sherlock Tute. ... Published, Malvern, Vic : McKellar Press, 1919.

My apologies for the over-emphasis on one person,but my curiosity knows no bounds.


You may be thinking that the roll of honour does not contain many names. This is why.

At the start of world war 1, Rosebud was a sleepy fishing village with most of its residents living in the fishing village itself,that is the house blocks fronting the beach between the present Village Green and the east end of the foreshore board walk. The Peateys, whose tale is told in Rosalind Peatey's PINE TREES AND BOX THORNS (available in the local history room at the Rosebud library) had been living across McDowell St from the school since 1888 but they were among the very few living on the inland side of Pt Nepean Rd.

Captain Henry Everest Adams was probably the first resident of Rosebud* but the year of his arrival is unclear; the Dromana Pioneer Pathway gives it as 1845. He is said to have beached his schooner at Adams' Corner (site of the McCrae carwash) and used its timber to build a cottage. With the help of his son,Robert Henry,the cottage was extended or replaced with a larger dwelling that served for many years as a guest house named Hopetoun House (later Merlyn Lodge), named in honour of the Governor, Lord Hopetoun, who often stayed there on the way to inspect the fort at Pt Nepean. The land between The Avenue and Parkmore Ave,,crown allotment 20, Wannaeue,seems to have been reserved for a village (and may have been leased from the Crown by the Captain) until about 1877 when lots in Wannaeue Village were advertised for sale. By 1864, the captain owned crown allotment 19, east to Adams Avenue, which had been granted to his friend, Isaac White. In the land boom of the 1880's a developer had bought crown allotment 19 and some blocks between South St and the beach were sold but when the bust hit,most of the land reverted to Robert Adams' ownership. Parkmore, built by Albert Holloway in 1896, was on this early subdivision.

(*Edward Hobson had earlier squatted on the Safety Beach area and then Tootgarook, built a lime kiln near Marks Ave, Rosebud West, and Hobson's Flat near Rosebud was named after him, but he did not seem to have lived in the Rosebud area.)

The Cornells were holiday makers (as far as I'm aware)and must have stayed for some time if the children attended school at Rosebud. A street is named after the family. (Melway 159 B10.) In 1910 June Connell of Caulfield owned "6 acres and building" which according to ROSEBUD:FLOWER OF THE PENINSULA was on part of a large tract of land on Arthurs Seat where George Smythe , a Flemington tanner,had planted a wattle plantation and built the hut for his caretaker. William John and Mrs Caroline Coburn were farmers living at Springbank
(88 acres) whose homestead was burnt to the ground only a few years later. The Coburns were related to the Burrells and had bought some of the Arthurs Seat pre-emptive right,Catherine Burrell retaining only 70 acres.
The Burrells, Cornells and Coburns seem to have been the only families occupying houses on the bay side of the road to Cape Schanck between the rocks and Adam's Corner. The Arthurs Seat homestead, now on only 40 acres, was advertised for sale in 1925.

At Half past Two O Clock On the Property I Have Received Instructions from The Trustees Executors, and Agency Co. Ltd., of 412 Collins Street, Melbourne, as Executors of the Will of the Late Miss Burrell, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION the Property Described Hereunder: -
All That Piece of Land, being Lot 3 on Plan of Subdivision No. 3123, Being Part of Crown Portion 1, Sec. B, Parish of Wannaeue, Containing 40 Acres, or Thereabouts.
This property, Known as Arthur's Seat, is Situated on the Rosebud Road (Opposite Light-house) 2 Miles from Dromana P. O., Excellent Panoramic Views of the Coastline from Higher Portion of Property, 5 Minutes from Beach.
The Buildings Consist of on Old 8-roomed Wattle and Dab Homestead, with Cowsheds and Fowlhouses of Iron, ?-acre Orchard, Fences in Fair Order.
Title, Certificate. TERMS.:- One-quarter Cash, Balance in 30 Days. Immediate Possession.
Solicitors:- -Messrs. W. S. Cook and McCallum of 60 Queen Street, Melbourne.For Further Particulars Apply to
S. L. BUTLER, auctioneer, and estate agent, Mornington. Tel. 131.(P.3, Argus, 28-10-1925.

The land between Adams Avenue and Jetty Rd,crown allotment 18,was subdivided before 1875 when it was bought by Robert White but only one block,lot 86 was sold. This two acre block on the FJ's corner was the site of a shop built by Jack Jones,Rosebud's only shop for many years. In about 1892 the remaining 150 acres passed into the ownership of the Bamford family and later the Potton family of Brunswick. An entire chapter of the late Peter Wilson's ON THE ROAD TO ROSEBUD is devoted to HENRY POTTON'S FARM. This area was subdivided by DeGaris, a developer who committed suicide twice. Obviously his first effort was faked and he was nabbed as he disembarked in New Zealand. His house (19 Mitchell St), which he called Wahgunyah is heritage-listed and was probably the only house standing on c/a 18 at the start of the war.

Between Jetty Rd and the line of Norm Clark Walk was c/a 17. This had been subdivided before 1878 when George and Susan Peatey bought lot 76. A much smaller school site was bought in the 1880's but this subdivision was not much more successful than that on c/a 18. Vale,the estate agent, revived the subdivision about three decades later. Between Norm Clark Walk and First Avenue were crown allotments 16 and 15 which were subdivided as the CLACTON-ON-SEA ESTATE, which is also the subject of a chapter in Peter Wilson's book. Despite raffles conducted on steamers and competitions on the radio with free blocks as prizes this subdivision also met with little success. Many who did buy blocks forfeited them through non-payment of rates and Peter detailed how the shire and charitable groups redeveloped the Banksia Place area near Eastbourne Rd in fairly recent times.

At the start of world war 1,there were two houses between First Avenue and Boneo Rd,Hindhope Villa (50 First Avenue) and "The Thicket", situated on the large round reserve at the end of The Drive. Crown allotment 14 had been split into four properties of 29, 29,40 and 16 acres. In 1910, one of the first two was owned by Gregory Rigg,farmer, and the other was bought by his wife soon afterward. Together,these made Hindhope,which fronted Pt Nepean Rd and included 50 First Avenue and all the Hope St house blocks.Also in 1910,Ramsay Couper owned the 40 acre block and Nora Couper the 16 acre block which together constituted "The Thicket". Last night,I found an article about the Rosebud Park Estate,which was almost certainly The Thicket.

Old Homestead Property.
Community settlement methods have been applied to the lay- out of the Rosebud Park Estate. An old family home has been made the pivotal point of a plan which begins with a direct avenue from the house to the Rosebud beach, and extends in circular and radial roads over a wide area of beautiful timbered country, with a
long frontage to the Boneo road...... A very large central recreation park been preserved around the
old homestead, which is to be used probably as a cafe or clubhouse.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 20 December 1927 p 6 Article.)

The land from Boneo Rd to Chinaman's Creek contained two houses at the start of world war 1,"Eleanora Davey Cairns'"Eleanora",which still stands in the Rosebud Hospital and the Wong-Shing house on the market garden near the creek.

The known houses on the south side of Pt Nepean Rd at the start of W.W.1, from the rocks(Anthony's Nose) to Chinaman's Creek, were therefore the McCrae Homestead,the Cornells' house, the new Springbank, Hopetoun House, Parkmore, Wahgunyah, the schoolmaster's house in the state school grounds,the charred remains of the Peatey house on lot 76 of c/a 17 behind the school,possibly the McDowell house (lots 77,79 and part 75 with building on c/a 17 in 1919), Rosebud Ted Cairns (lots 49-54 of c/a 17), the homesteads of Hindhope and The Thicket, Eleanora and the market garden house. The residences of soldiers listed on the roll of honour not known to have occupied any of the above houses were most likely in the fishing village, farming properties (to be specified) or on crown allotment 17.

Many of the fishing village blocks had become holiday homes or vacant blocks owned by such as the Buchers, Judith Mavis Cock's great grandmother (Emily Durham),Eva Dunk of Williamstown, George Fountain (North Melbourne's last Mayor) and Arthur Boyd's maternal grandmother (Mrs Evelyn Gough of St Kilda.)
Thus the names on the roll of honour constitute a considerable proportion of Rosebud's permanent population.

Service details come from THE A.I.F.PROJECT.
R.W.Adams was almost surely Robert William Adams, better known as Billy, who is not listed in the A.I.F. PROJECT. Billy who bought Keith McGregor's carrying business (see under Len Dunk) was born in 1886.He married a Miss Pain,who died, and later Miss Hill.

"Robert Henry Adams'youngest boy Robert William Adams would have been the Billy Adams,Mabel's brother, who bought Keith McGregor's run to the city. Born at Tootgarook in 1886,he married a widow (nee Pain) in 1914,who gave birth to Edith in 1915 but died two days later. Billy went to war in 1916 leaving the baby with her maternal grandmother. He returned minus a foot. In 1921 he married Mabel Gertrude Hall. Dorothy Mabel,their third child was born in 1926 at Boneo and married Fred Parker. They had a son,whom they named Dean."
(ADAMS'CORNER, R.F.Gibb,2010.)

ADAMS-On the 31st March at his son's residence, Rosebud, Robert H., beloved husband of the late Mary Jane*, of Hopetoun House, Rosebud ; loved father of Henry, Emma (deceased), Eva (Mrs. Dunk) Flora (Mrs Freeman), Mary (deceased) Helen (Mrs. Harvey), William (of Rosebud), May (Mrs McGregor),Edith (Mrs Reeves), aged 96 years. Very old resident. (The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 1 April 1937 p 1 Family Notices)

There was more than one Baker family in Rosebud.

A wound to his ankle suffered during W.W.1 caused Harry Baker to walk with a limp,throwing his right leg forward. Harry lived in a house situated at 9-11 Rosebud Pde and rented a shop in the Broadway Theatre building, almost opposite his house, where he sold green groceries. He used a Dodge ute to buy stock at the Victoria Market and to do Saturday deliveries. On the last school day in 1939, the pupils at Rosebud State School were surprised at a visit from Father Christmas but were probably equally surprised to find that there were two men who walked exactly the same way. The smarter ones knew immediately that Santa was Harry!

I have suggested in another journal that there was a relationship between the Cairns family, early pioneers of Boneo, and members of the Cairns family living in the parish of Lyndhurst. This seems to be confirmed by Godfrey Brown Cairns' name being on the Rosebud roll of honour. Godfrey Brown Cairns was involved in a story that I have called SHOVEL TROUBLE AT ROSEBUD, which was almost warfare between Robert Henry Adams and Back Road Bob Cairns (Godfrey's father) where the latter had diverted storm water across the former's crown allotment 19 land. William Henry Hobley was caught in no man's land, being a neighbour of both, and the unpleasantness may have prompted his move to the Leongatha area. The whole story may be found by googling HOBSON'S FLAT DRAINAGE, Hobson's Flat road being today's Bayview Rd.

At the Dromana Police Court on Tuesday before S. Smallman, Esq, P.M., and Mr Rudduck; J.P., Godfrey Brown Cairns, Rosebud, charged Robert H. Adams, Rosebud, with assault on July 18. etc.
(P.5, Mornington Standard,5-8-1905.)

16080 CAIRNS, Godfrey Brown Lyndhurst, Victoria Field Artillery Brigade 4, Reinforcement 6
2785 CAIRNS, Christopher Ernest Flinders, Victoria 37th Battalion, 6th Reinforcement

The following are not on the roll of honour but are members of the same family.
27757 CAIRNS, Archibald Flinders, Victoria Field Artillery Brigade 15, Reinforcement 6
3535 CAIRNS, Ernest Charles Joseph Boneo via Dromana, Victoria 8th Light Horse Regiment, 31st Reinforcement
603 CAIRNS, Reuben Rosebud, Dromana, Victoria 9th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement

I wonder if this was supposed to be Chilton. See comments.

1058 CARLETON, Gordon Henry Glenarm, Sorrento, Victoria 6th Battalion, C Company

No connection between G.Carleton and Rosebud has been found on trove. I therefore did a search for Carelton, Sorrento. There is quite some detail about the Carleton family in Jennifer Nixon's SORRENTO, PORTSEA, FAMILY, CONNECTIONS. The link with Rosebud could be through the Hiscock family.

HISCOCK-CARLETON -On the 20th March, at St. Andrews Church, Middle Brighton, by the
Rev. Canon Hancock, Rupert Dolphin eldest son of the late W. H. Hiscock and Mrs. Hiscock, of Middle Brighton, to Aileen Mary, third daughter of the late Mr G. Carleton and Mrs H.Thompson, of Sorrento.(P.11,Argus,7-5-1921.)

?On the 22nd December, George William, Abbotsford road, Mayne, Brisbane, late of Sorrento, Victoria, eldest son of Geo. Carleton(Sunbury) and Helen Thompson (deceased, of Sorrento), brother of Grace (Mrs. Chaffe), Ida (Mrs. Glenwright), Gordon, Aileen (Mrs. Hiscock), and Vivian (Mrs. Peasley), aged 43 years.
(Inserted by his loving sisters and brother.) P.1, Argus, 24-12-1931.

Mornington Peat Deposits. Fertiliser Plant to be Installed. LONDON, Oct. 27.
Mr Walter Hiscock, of Melbourne, in conjunction with Mr E Lloyd Pease, of Stockton-on -Tees chemical works, has arranged to establish a plant at Mornington Peninsula for the production of a new fertiliser from Mornington's unique peat deposits.

The site selected by Mr Hiscock lies between Rosebud and Rye, in what is known as Boneo Swamp, on the Mornington Peninsula. In the district there is an immense deposit of valuable peat composed of decayed vegetable matter, guano and sea shells, which tests have shown to be of a great value, after a process of destructive distillation as a fertiliser. The deposit is from 1ft to 8ft in depth, and extends towards Cape Schanck. In places it is exposed on the surface. Up to the present the output has been limited owing to the difficulty of handling and transport. It is expected that within 12 months the works will be established.
(P.29,Argus, 28-10-1922.)

HISCOCK -On October 16 at his residence. Nee Morna, Sorrento, Walter George, loved husband of Florence, and father of Maud, May, Dorothy,Reita, Dick, and Pegs.
(P.14,Argus, 17-10-1950.)

Although his involvement at Rosebud West may not have started before W.W.1, Walter Hiscock was probably known in Rosebud before that. He was the Crown grantee of the whole of section 10, bounded by Pasley St, Palmerston Ave (the freeway), Grant St and Clarendon St, in the township of Dromana, on 13-2-1906.

Ron Doig told me of the tram line that ran up the east side of Truemans Rd to transport the fertiliser. He also told me that a plane that had crash-landed in the Boneo swamp had taken off on the south side of Hiscock's house, roughly the course of Broadway. Hiscock had been the manager of the Tootgarook Land Company. It is possible that Carleton had been included on the Rosebud roll of honour because of his connection with Hiscock, just as Bill Parr's son in law, Furphy, had been included on the Tullamarine War Memorial.

4676 CONNOP, Jack Edward Moorooduc, Victoria 23rd Battalion, 12th Reinforcement

It is likely that Edmund Connop was related to the above.
799 CONNOP, Edmund Moorooduc, Victoria 22nd Battalion, D Company

Edward Connop married Ellen,daughter of Ned and Mary (nee Campbell)Williams.In 1900,Edward Connop occupied land on Browns Rd,east of Truemans Rd,that had been granted to Ned.
WILLIAMS.-On September 9, at Eastbourne, Rosebud West, Edward Thomas son of the late Edward and Mary Williams, beloved brother of James, Caroline, Ellen(Mrs. Connop, deceased), Marion (Mrs.Edmonds, deceased), aged 91 years. -At rest.(P.11,Argus, 10-9-1947) P.S. James Williams died the next day!
The following death notice proves that at least one of the Moorooduc Connops was the son of Edward and Ellen.
CONNOP -On October 13 at the residence of her son, Mornington road, Tyabb, Ellen wife of the late Edward Connop, in her (89th?) year.(P.4, Argus,14-10-1941.)

The only P.Cornell listed was from New South Wales. As June Connell of Caulfield was assessed in 1910,it is highly likely that the following soldier was related to her.
35014 CORNELL, James Leslie Kooyong Road, Caulfield, Victoria Field Artillery Brigade, Reinforcement 27

Despite the Murrayville address,the following may have been the letter writer (below) of 1941 and also related to June. As he obviously preferred his second given name,he was probably the P.Cornell listed on the roll of honour.
22226 CORNELL, Henry Percy Murrayville, Victoria Engineering Field Companies, General Reinforcements

The Roll of honour lists P., James and John Cornell so the next entry is indicative that Percy and John had left home together in search of land or employment and that their mother might have been a Coburn.
2114 CORNELL, John Coburn Murrayville, Victoria 7th Battalion, 6th Reinforcement
R2114 CORNELL, John Coburn 7th Battalion, 21st Reinforcement

The Cornell family's contribution was obviously not confined to World War 1.
Sir,-Few people admit a responsibility for maximum war effort. An authoritative leader is required to compel all to do what is advisable. The energies of the Australian people are being directed to a war effort thus:
-(1) The men who have enlisted are obviously all in. (2) Those in factories producing war material are doing something. (3) Those who are producing and distributing may or may not be diverting any service to war
ends. The only way to divert the people's services to a war effort is through the pay envelope. Don't leave it to individuals to invest or not in war savings certificates. Assess the soldiers' effort as datum and compel groups Nos. 2 and 3 to contribute all income above that of No. 1 to war savings certificates. Non-war services
should be reduced to the minimum. After the war many may have to stand down for returned men, and this would be
offset somewhat by substantial credits in war savings certificates
-Yours, &c, Rosebud. H. PERCY CORNELL. (P.8, Argus,26-4-1941, MONEY FOR WAR EFFORT.)

These are the only two whose given names start with G.
2347 COUPER, George Arthur Kelvin, Banksia Street, Botany, New South Wales 4th Battalion, 7th Reinforcement
11692 COUPER, Guy 64 Station Street, Box Hill, Victoria Supply Column 3, Army Service Corps 26

After a tedious examination of genealogical websites,I have found that Ramsay and Nora Couper died in the Donvale area and that they and their son,Guy and other family members are buried in the Box Hill cemetery. Guy's father was R.G.H.Couper (Ramsay George Henry!)

Couper Doris 2001 AIL 0659
Couper Guy 1973 CE 1945
Couper Nora 1925 CE 1944
Couper Ramsay George Henry 1949 CE 1945
Couper Sybel 1976 CE 1944

7000 DUNK, Leonard Alexander 24 Hunter Street, West Brunswick, Victoria 14th Battalion, 23rd Reinforcement

Len Dunk had followed Jimmy the Squid Williams of Eastbourne and Keith McGregor in providing a passenger service to the Mornington railhead,also picking up the catches of fish from the side of Pt Nepean Rd. Keith,who had married Mabel Adams, introduced motorised transport while living at the homestead of "The Thicket". When Keith moved with his brother to wheat farm near (Stawell?) in about 1922,he sold his business to Mabel's brother Billy (who was probably R.W.Adams,the first entry on the roll of honour but not listed in the A.I.F. PROJECT.) Billy must have later sold it to his brother in law,Len Dunk.(Billy and Mabel's sister,Eva, had married Andrew Dunk.)

Len's run was timed to meet the train at Mornington but did not allow for punctures!

Leonard Dunk, carrier, of Rosebud,was charged at the Frankston court with having driven a motor truck weighing less than three tons and fitted with pneumatic tyres at a speed in excess of 30 miles an hour on Pt. Nepean road on April 2. Constable Fraser said he followed defendant's truck along Pt.Nepean road towards Frankston for two miles. The speed registered ranged from 35 to 46 miles an hour.

Dunk, on oath, said he had some trouble with a tyre on his truck which caused him to miss a train at Mornington. As he had fish on his truck for the Melbourne market he drove on to Frankston in an endeavour to catch the train there. Defendant, who admitted prior conviction for a similar offence was fined ?4 with 12/6 costs. (P.1, Frankston and Somerville Standard,18-7-1931.)

In 1920, Mrs Eva Dunk of West Brunswick was assessed lot 8 and buildings,part Crown allotment 20, section B,Wannaeue. ( Lot 8 of C/A 20 is roughly indicated by the northern end of Lonsdale St.) Eva was the wife of Andrew Dunk whom she had married in 1902 and it is possible that Len had moved to the big smoke in search of a job and was staying with them. (ADAMS' CORNER,R.F.Gibb,2010.)


Pasted from my journal about Frederick Hobley.
Frederick Hobley was a prominent member of the Victorian Police Force. The Chief Commissioner,who had come from Scotland Yard where forensic science was well developed,reorganised the Criminal Investigation Branch in 1938.Detective training courses, run by Frederick Hobley, were organised at the headquarters in Russell St, Melbourne. Frederick was an expert in photography and ballistics. He spent much of his time in investigating baffling cases and giving expert testimony in courts.(Trove.)
Frederick's father was William Henry Hobley, who was born at Schnapper Point(Mornington)on the Mornington Peninsula,Victoria,Australia in 1857. William married Elizabeth James at Main Creek (possibly Red Hill) on the Peninsula on 11-6-1884.By 1885 William and Elizabeth were settled at Rosebud on land for which William received the grant in 1890. The International Genealogical Index-Southwest Pacific shows that their first child, William Henry Hobley, was born there on 31-8-1885. Then followed George (2-2-1887),Ethel May (2-5-1889), Joseph (1-5-1894), Charles (9-8-1896), Frederick (4-10-1898), Elizabeth Violet (26-1-1901),Harold (20-6-1904)and Samuel (17-5-1906), all born at Rosebud. Their next child, Ernest, was born at Leongatha in Gippsland on 24-8-1908

The following information was supplied in comments under the journal.
by estevard on 2012-02-09 03:24:24
William Henry HOBLEY and Elizabeth JAMES had another son, Richard, who was born around November 1891 near Dromana (presumably at Rosebud). He enlisted in the AIF on 19 September 1914 and served with the 8th Light Horse Regiment. He was at the Gallipoli landing and was killed in action on the Sinai Peninsula on 9 August 1916. His service record can be accessed at the National Archives of Australia. There is also an entry for him at

Two of his brothers, George and Joseph, also served in the AIF. Both survived.

by itellya on 2012-02-09 06:39:42
Extracts from emails sent to the editor of the Great Southern Star (Leongatha area.)

Rosebud did not forget the Hobleys; all three boys were remembered on its Roll of Honour.

If you google "Hobley, Leongatha" you will find much of the information I sent you on the first page and the 7-7-2010 (page 2, Soldiers Worth Remembering) article as item 7 on page 2 with the heading GREAT SOUTHERN STAR.
As I've stated, Joe's name was on the list, but George's wasn't. He was born in Rosebud in 1887 and the family moved to the Leongatha area sometime between the births of two children in 1906 and August, 1908. This would mean that George was about 20 when they arrived there. He enlisted in Western Australia and died there but it likely that he spent some time in your area before moving to W.A. Even though he may not have been a longtime resident, his family connection would have entitled him to inclusion under the rationale applied with most war memorials. If you google Hobley, George, A.I.F., the first three sites will be the service records of George, Joe and Dick.
In relation to George's residence in the Leongatha area, the family was there by Feb., 1907. (Morwell Advertiser 15-2-1907, page 2; Palmros v Hobley case over a lease. When George was listed as dangerously ill and then recovering, his address was given as Leongatha in both reports.
I'll attach a bit of background. I thought William Henry Hobley had drowned himself in a waterhole in 1921 during a visit to Rosebud but notices indicate that he might have resumed cab driving. He was certainly not in financial strife judging by the estate he left Elizabeth.

There were Wickhams at Rosebud at the same time as the Hobleys and both families were members of the Methodist congregation. It is interesting that there were Wickhams at Sale. It was probably W.H.Hobley's son in law who saw Jim Melrose crash at Melton South.

The Leongatha police and school and the communities at Mardan (where Fred's dad was living when he died by drowning at Rosebud in 1921) and Koorooman East (where his widow was living when granted probate of his will) might like a copy of Who am I?

William Hobley and his son were praised for travelling from Rosebud to fight a fire that started on the area now called Safety Beach and split into two fronts that threatened to engulf Dromana. (Mornington Standard 21-1-1905.
by ngairedith on 2012-02-09 06:48:07
Regimental number - 390
Place of birth - Rosebud, Victoria
School - Rosebud State School No. 2627, Victoria
Religion - Methodist
Occupation - Farmer
Address - Leongatha, Victoria
Marital status - Single
Age at embarkation - 23
Next of kin - Father, William Hobley, Whelans Ro, Leongatha, Victoria
Enlistment date - 19 September 1914
Embarkation details - Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A16 Star of Victoria on 25 February 1915
Rank from Nominal Roll - Sergeant
Unit from Nominal Roll - 8th Light Horse Regiment
Fate - Killed in Action 9 August 1916
Place of death - Bir-el-abd, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
Age at death - 24
Age at death from cemetery records - 23
Place of burial - No Known Grave
Commemoration details - Jerusalem Memorial, Palestine
Panel number, Roll of Honour, 6 Australian War Memorial

Regimental number - 5116
Religion Methodist
Occupation - Farmer
Address - Nyabing, Western Australia
Marital status - Single
Age at embarkation - 29
Next of kin - Father, Mr W H Hobley, Leongatha, Victoria
Enlistment date - 12 February 1916
Embarkation details - Unit embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia, on board HMAT A9 Shropshire on 31 March 1916
Rank from Nominal Roll - Private
Unit from Nominal Roll - 11th Battalion
Fate - Returned to Australia 22 February 1917

Regimental number - 2027
Religion - Methodist
Occupation - Farmer
Address - Wheelan's Receiving Office, via Leongatha, Victoria
Marital status - Single
Age at embarkation - 21
Next of kin - Father, William Henry Hobley, Wheelan's Receiving Office, via Leongatha, Victoria
Enlistment date - 6 August 1915
Embarkation details - Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A32 Themistocles on 28 January 1916
Rank from Nominal Roll - Sergeant
Unit from Nominal Roll - 3rd Field Artillery Brigade

Recommendations (Medals and Awards) - Distinguished Conduct Medal
Refers 3 December 1917.
Recommendation date: Unspecified

Fate - Returned to Australia 12 May 1919

* Distinguished Conduct Medal
... 'For conspicuous galantry and devotion to duty. While his battery was in action a box of bombs close to one of his gun pits was set on fire by an enemy shell. He at once left his gun pit under heavy enemy shell fire, and, with the assistance of one man, carried four burning boxes of bombs away from the position. He showed total disregard of danger and great courage and initiative.'

Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 110
Date: 7 August 1918
by estevard on 2012-02-10 16:52:26
Further to 2012-02-09 06:39:42

The death registration for William Henry HOBLEY shows him dying "on or about 10th November 1921 near Rosebud", the cause "suicide by drowning. Verdict of inquiry held by Mr. A. V. Shaw J.P. on 12th November 1921".

On another matter Hobleyesque --

The Edward WICKHAM mentioned in newspaper reports of the Melrose air crash, and ensuing inquest, in 1936 is almost certainly Elizabeth Violet HOBLEY's husband. The 1936 Commonwealth electoral roll for the division of Corio, subdivision Melton, lists just one Edward WICKHAM and he appears with Elizabeth Violet WICKHAM, living in Melton South. He is shown as a labourer which more or less tallies with newspaper descriptions of him as a mill-hand.

Edward had an earlier brush with mortality. The Bacchus Marsh Express for Saturday, 3 January 1914, reports that three lads, including Edward and his twin brother George, discovered the body of an "old man" (it turns out he was only 60) while out rabbiting on Christmas Day 1913. It reminds one slightly of Hitchcock's The Trouble with Harry.
by skater on 2012-11-11 01:14:06
Hi - great to see this wonderful research. Edward and Elizabeth (Ted and Vi) were my grandparents. Gran had a wonderful big picture of Richard, George and Joe in uniform on her wall. I can remember my Pa talking about the plane crash - I think he was more frightened giving evidence at the inquest! I have pictures of both William and Elizabeth Hobley hanging on my wall. thank you

709 McCORMICK, Keith Herbert Rosebud PO, Rosebud, Victoria 8th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinforcement.
Keith Herbert McCormick was a farm labourer and a nephew of Mrs D.James of Rosebud.

The family of the late MR.DONALD JAMES, of Rosebud, desire to thank all kind friends who sent expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. Will all please accept this
as a personal expression of thanks. E. JAMES.(P.2, Standard, Frankston, 12-8-1948.)

The James family was related to two other pioneering families in the area,the Whites and the Hobleys. Bullocky Bob White was brought up as Robert James and was actually granted land under that name. (27A,section B, Wannaeue on the east side of Main Creek Rd.) D.James was granted 19A (south of the Ditterich Reserve at Main Ridge) on 21-1-1878. Charles James was assessed on 272 acres in the Wannaeue Division on 3-9-1864 and in 1879,Daniel James was leasing 100 acres from the Crown, the rate collector being unaware that title had been granted and that 19 A consisted of 105 acres 2 roods 13 perches.

P.15,ROSEBUD FLOWER OF THE PENINSULA. (From my notes,not verbatim.)
"On the far side of the road (from the fishing village) lived Granny James,who saw and rode on her first train at 80.

In 1910 Mrs(David?) James was assessed on 3 acres and building at Rosebud and Donald James,a contractor of Rosebud was assessed on 1 acre and building owned by Robert Henry Adams but it was discovered that Donald was not in occupation. Charles James was assessed on Fleming's crown allotments 8 and 9 of the fishing village and another lot and building in Rosebud. Keith was 19 when he embarked on 12-2-1915.

See comments.

There is only one entry in the A.I.F. PROJECT.
616 McGILLVRAY, John 236 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria 23rd Battalion, C Company
John was a leather worker and his father was Mr McGillvray,of the same address, which is a fat lot of help.

In 1900,Donald McGillvray had just replaced John Cain as the occupant of 316 acres, 5, 6,section A, Wannaeue.
By 1910 he had been followed on 5 and 6 by Andrew Buchanan,a grazier of Flinders.

Crown allotments 5 and 6 were bounded by Boneo Rd, Hiscock Rd, and Cape Schanck Rd,extending 4960 links (992 metres)south of Hiscock Rd. (Roughly Melway 170 B-D 8-9 including the Wedgewood, Cleek and Mashie subdivision and the southern part of the Country Club course to the west.)


6080 PEATEY, Alfred William Rosebud, Victoria 6th Battalion, 19th Reinforcement
1164 PEATEY, George Rosebud Post Office, Victoria 7th Battalion, 1st Reinforcement
5682 PEATEY, John Edward Rosebud, Victoria 21st Battalion, 15th Reinforcement
7289 PEATEY, William Stony Creek, Victoria 6th Battalion, 24th Reinforcement*
(*William Peatey had a brother named E.Peatey and may have been the son of Edward Norman Peatey (born 1855, Tarraville-see below.)

From PINE TREES AND BOX THORNS by Rosalind Peatey which is available at Rosebud Library but may be archived, as I suggested, so it is advisable to check at the information desk first.
George Peatey (born 19-2-1832),who was 7 feet 1 inch tall and had been a member of the Queen's Own Regiment, and his wife, Susan, left London on 31-7-1855 aboard the Royal George. By the end of the year,they were at Tarraville in Gippsland where Edward Norman was born. By April 1857 they were back in Melbourne where John Henry was born. (No note made but I think they were living in a tent so they were probably at Canvas Town at Emerald Hill, i.e.South Melbourne). By 1858 they were on the Survey (Safety Beach to Bulldog Creek Rd,exact location shown on P.27 of Colin McLear's A DREAMTIME OF DROMANA.)

George no doubt engaged in farming but like many locals he also earned money supplying timber to George McLear that was conveyed to various locations around the bay by Peter Pidoto for the construction of piers. Susan was well-regarded as a midwife and on 8-9-1867 delivered Rose Ann Bucher who was deemed to be the first white baby born in what became Rosebud. (Details of other births available.)

George and Susan's other children were Maria (b.1859), Charlotte (b.1861, died aged 20), and Alfred William (b. 1871). Maria later moved to GIPPSLAND to live with Ted and his wife, Ellen. Ted and Jack had moved to Gippsland in 1879.

George and Susan settled on Crown Allotments 27A and 27B,Kangerong (Melway 160 K6, Dromana Estate and Karina Vineyards and Dunn's Croft B&B sites) but due to the run off from Arthurs Seat (illustrated by the need for the drain shown in 161 A6),it was too wet for agriculture,so with a loan from Dromana's Nelson Rudduck, they bought lot 76 in Woolcott's subdivision in 1878 and moved in ten years later when the loan had been repaid. Lot 76, of 2 acres 26 perches, was on the south corner of Jetty and McDowell Sts and later became Don Miller's caravan park. In all likelihood, the latter street would have been called Peatey St if the cottage had not burned down in 1912, which was probably some years before Robert McDowell's family took up residence. On 9-2-1888 title to lot 76 had passed to Susan Peaty,producer. The Peatey's became Rosebud's first producers and retailers of potatoes and onions. [No doubt many Rosebud Fishing Village residents traded fish for these commodities but Emily Durham (great grandmother of Judith Durham of "The Seekers") and Evelyn Gough (grandmother of Arthur Boyd,famous artist and Australian of the Year)most likely paid cash.] When George died at the age of 73 in 1904,Alfred and his mother continued to farm on lot 76. After the cottage was burnt down, Alf and Susan moved to Beachside where Susan died aged 83 in October 1914.

Alf, who attended school in Dromana,later drove a passenger coach between Dromana, Mornington and Melbourne, which ran three times per week. Alf was called up in 1916 and served three months in France. He suffered an ankle injury. In August,1922, Alf was granted a licence to cut 50 tons of dead wood from the foreshore. He died in 1962 at the age of 91.

Jack married Mary Anne on 4-11-1884. Their children were John Edward,born on 20-11-1886,William Henry,22-?-1888, Susan 1890, and George 1892 (all born in Gippsland) and twins,Mary and Ann born in 1894. The twins were born at Beachside. Jack was almost an invalid and Rosebud fisherman, Fred Vine,carved him a walking stick.No doubt,Jack helped as much as he could but Mary Anne was mainly responsible for the success of their produce business conducted at Beachside,supplying milk,cream,butter, chickens and ducks. They had two more children,James and Charlotte,but both died in infancy. Jack's concertina, a piano played by Rosie Bucher and a violin (probably played by Joe Peters the black fiddler)supplied the music for Rosebud's dances 1900-1920. Jack's health improved and he took out fishing parties in summer.

Jack and Mary Anne's eldest daughter married Bill Dryden from Kyneton. Bill, who had been captain of the Seaford Football Club (probably to obtain employment in the sand pit which is now the Seaford Football Ground) had just moved to Rosebud to work in a sand pit for Tom Maw* when he was tragically killed at work leaving young Bill and Jim without a father. This did not stop the two boys from becoming champs for the Buds.
(*Detail supplied by Jim Dryden-who did not tell me he was a champ; the honour board in the clubrooms told me that!)
Regret was expressed on the Peninsula, last Saturday when it was learned that Mr. W. Dryden had met his death by accident at Rosebud. The deceased was a well-known footballer around the district, having played with the Rosebud team a year or two ago, and last year captained the Seaford club. He had just recently left Seaford to accept employment at Rosebud. He leaves a widow and two young children. Deepest sympathy is extended to his parents,widow and children. (P.4, Frankston and Somerville Standard,25-11-1933.)

In about 1912,Cr Terry resigned from the Flinders and Kangerong Shire Council. The shire was almost broke and in order to determine who owed rates he had moved that descriptions of properties be improved,but his campaign was being thwarted. His campaign must have succeeded and in 1919,the following assessments were recorded. Only east half lot 2 makes no sense, but Mary might have been on 5A instead of 13A.

Mrs Mary Peatey,Rosebud, east half lot 2??? and crown allotment 13A, section A, Wannaeue.
Alfred and John Peatey,lot 76,part crown allotment 17,section A, Wannaeue.
George Peatey, Rosebud, lot 13,Rosebud.
Edwin Naylor, crown allotment 5B,Rosebud.

As you would know from the details above,the second entry is correct. I had marked my transcription of the third assessment with an asterisk because I hadn't heard about the Jetty's Cafe site having anything to do with
the Peatey family. Crown allotment 13 is now on two (or more)titles,the two double storey town houses also being on crown allotment 13. Assessment 2466 of 7-12-1918 shows that the name of Mrs Winifred Gomm had been crossed out and replaced with the name of George Peatey, so there is no doubt that George was on the block granted to William Gomm*. William had moved to Hastings and married a daughter of pioneers in that area with his brother Harry* then fishing and acting as pier master from his c/a 13 house. Naughty William, at an advanced age left his wife and finished up marrying 20 year old Winifred who sold c/a 13, Rosebud(Fishing Village) after the deaths of Henry (who had been renting the property) and William (who had retained ownership.)
(*William,Harry, and Thomas (who died at Dromana) were sons of Convict Henry Gomm and unrelated to Henry Gomm of Somerville. See their story on Graham Whitehead's City of Kingston heritage website.)

It is fortunate that the lady barber next door to Henderson's Real Estate knew I was interested in local history. She showed me a map of early Rosebud and eventually remembered who had given it to her. It was Harvey Marshall of HOPETOUN HOUSE (at least that's what the sign on his front gate in Wattle Place said.) Harvey is a descendant of Captain Adams,as was the first entry on the roll of honour,and has many documents regarding the Adams family history.

The map shows the occupants of fishing village blocks. The block on the east side of the extension of Murray Anderson Rd (which is two chains or 40 metres wide) was divided into 5A near the beach,granted to M.Latross in 1887, and the much larger 5B,granted to E.Naylor in 1884. Antonia (sic) Latros(sic), fisherman, had been living in 5A in 1879 but it is likely that a fisherman such as Andrew Nicholas or Joseph Silver (sic,Silva) was living on 5B because there is no assessment of E.Naylor. (Wannaeue Parish map,rates.) On the Early Rosebud map 5A and 5B are shown as a single block labelled "cows, dairy,poultry slept in trees,Peaty's. Murray Anderson Rd is labelled "Peaty's Creek, foot bridge, now Murray Anderson Rd."

On page 8 of ON THE ROAD TO ROSEBUD, Peter Wilson gave details of the creeks which emptied into the bay:
Peaty's -west side of Murray Anderson Rd; Eeling -Tom Salt Park; Adams-near The Avenue,McCrae; another at Coburn Ave. This confirms the map's information about the Peateys being on the east side of Murray Anderson Rd. Additionally,Rosalind Peatey states: "In 1894,Jack,Mary and their family settled on the beach front block on the eastern side of the creek which became Murray-Anderson Rd."

My theory is that Antonio Latross has died by 1887 and M.Latross paid the rest of the purchase price, and that from 1894 until 1920 Jack and Mary leased 5A and 5B from Latross and Naylor. Rosalind states that in 1920 a 21 acre farm, with fresh spring water, was bought where the scout hall and pony club are now.This would explain why they would not have extended their lease. Mary might well have continued her lease on the Beachside house which was most likely on 5A but it is possible that she was in a house on the Jetty's cafe site that was later occupied by Henry Thomas according to the early Rosebud map.

Getting back to the roll of honour,Rosalind also states:
Alf,Jack Jnr and George enlisted in W.W.1.The loss of two sons,one killed and another gassed and wounded, Uncle Alf with his injured ankle, and a (?-can't read my scribble!) father whose health was never robust and now 65, meant that the best use was not made of the farm.

Rosalind Peatey's father,William Henry Peatey,married Sarah Ellen Coe on 23-2-1916 with Ted Green of Main Ridge (i.e.Green's Bush)as best man. They had a working holiday roaming as far as Queensland with Sarah's dressmaking skill highly appreciated by the mistress on many isolated stations. They returned to Rosebud in 1919 and lived in Lacco's Pier Cottage (later Edward Campbell's and now the site of the proposed apartment/cafe complex at 1A and 1B Jetty Rd which was so opposed by the Rosebud community.) Bill bought a huge coutta boat from Mr C.Watson of Queenscliff. (Jim Dryden has a photo of this boat which was used to perform many rescues on the bay.It must have been Jim who told me that Edward Campbell spent nearly every day at Rosebud on the Peatey boat. I wonder if Edward was really sick, when the following was published, or out fishing!)

Regret at the illness of Councillor E.Campbell who is confined to his bed at his house at Rosebud was expressed at a meeting of the City Council yesterday. On the motion of Councillor Sir William Brunton it was agreed that a letter of sympathy should be sent to Councillor Campbell. (P.8, Argus,30-1-1930.PERSONAL.)
Edward Campbell was Lord Mayor of Melbourne in 1937-8. I wonder if Edward's malady was sea sickness!

Search for Name: PERRIN Charles
Nothing found

Search for PERRIN.
This would be the Rosebud teacher, aged 38 when he embarked on 2-10-1916 and killed in action 9-8-1918. Before embarking, C.R.Perrin was involved in fundraising for the patriotic fund and for cots in military hospitals, as shown by the two articles below, which also confirm the Rosebud/Elsternwick link.

2747 PERRIN, Charles Reginald Elsternwick, Victoria 58th Battalion, 6th Reinforcement

Mornington Standard (Frankston, Vic. : 1911 - 1920) Saturday 29 August 1914 Edition: MORNING. p 3 Article
... Mrs I) a James secretary, and Mr W, L,. i'wyford treasurer. (C. R. Perrin, Rosebud.)

Shepparton Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Thursday 13 January 1916 Edition: EVENINGS. p 6 Article
... hospitals:--Base Hospital, St. Kilda road: Prailran Children's Patriotic League, ?2oo; Mr C. R. Perrin (Elsternwick) (Rosebud and district), ?23;

There is no indication of a connection with Rosebud in any of the A.I.F.PROJECT entries which might be S.Peters.

The Peters family had a shop on the corner of Ninth Avenue as mentioned in a history and was related to the Freemans by marriage but the only mention on trove seems to be in regard to playing footy for the Buds in the 1930's. Remembering that there was a marital connection between the Peters and Freeman families,I managed to find the following. Flora Emma was a daughter of Robert Henry Adams. Neville Freeman married one of the Peters girls.

FREEMAN, Flora Emma. ? On May 26, at Rosebud, loving friend of Mrs. E. J. Peters.
FREEMAN, Flora Emma. ? On May 26, at her residence, Daveen, Nepean Highway, Rosebud beloved wife of the late George, loving mother of Karl (deceased) Mervyn, Neville, Marjorie (Mrs. Kyle), and Phillip aged 73 years ?At rest. (P.14,Argus,27-5-1954.)

6625 POTTON, Sidney St Albans, Rosebud, Dromana, Victoria 8th Battalion, 21st Reinforcement

The Pottons seem to have given the name "St Albans" to their 150 acre property, between Adams Avenue and Jetty Rd. Sidney's father was Charles Henry Potton.

I am fairly sure that this was C.Rigg because of his second given name. By 1916, Joseph McComb was occupying "Hindhope".
33233 RIGG, Colin Gregory 63 Manning Road, East Malvern, Victoria Field Artillery Brigade, February 1917

There is no match for N.Rigg. His name was almost certainly Norman. He, Kenneth and Colin performed a comedy sketch at a concert held in the Rosebud Mechanics' Institute in aid of the Dromana Roman Catholic organ fund.

A sketch in character, "The Gridiron," by the Masters Kenneth, Norman and Colin Rigg, was very amusing and
received great applause.(P.5,Mornington Standard, 20-5-1905.)
Presumably the three were brothers.

The following is pasted from a comment under my EARLY ROSEBUD journal.

Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 28 June 1902 Edition: MORNING. p 2 Article
Gregory B. Rigg, of Rosebud, for 19 19s damages, by reason of a breach of contract defendant Rigg, who had a cottage at Portsea, on the Back Beach road. He gave witness authority to let this cottage last November, saying that he was moving into Rosebud and would not require to use ... 1573 words

Gregory Brennan Rigg, retired Station manager lived in a cottage on Back Beach Rd but because he was moving to Rosebud, he agreed to let it to a clergyman from Lake Rowan. When Rev.Rev. Johnston arrived, the cottage was occupied by a Mrs Buchanan. The clergyman was to pay 2 pounds per week for a fortnight to rent the cottage but had to find lodgings for his family in a detached part of the Portsea Hotel.

Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 6 June 1903 Edition: MORNING. p 3 Article
Greg Rigg was a member of the Rosebud Mechanics' Institute, against which Ernie Rudduck brought a charge of illegally detaining a organ belonging to Rosebud's Wesleyan Church. The case was struck out because the summons was signed by a clerk of court instead of a J.P. However, the attempt to regain the organ had caused Ernie's father, Nelson a pillar of the Wesleyan Church in Dromana, Red Hill and Rosebud, a generous and respected Dromana resident, to lose his cool. Nelson, of course, apologised to the President of the Institute but Smith still wanted damages. Mr Smallman,the police magistrate said the case was a trivial one and fined Nelson one shilling without costs.
The committee then had Nelson up for knocking off the Institute's piano. Strangely it was Alf Peatey who served a notice on Nelson to return the piano; Alf's parents, George and Susan would probably never have been able to purchase their 2 acre block at the McDowell St corner if their old friend, Nelson, had not given them the loan. I doubt if Greg (G.V.Rigg), H.A.Braddy (the Rosebud teacher if I remember my trove),Robert Cairns and William Jamieson had much to do with the demand; it sounds like another attempt by Mr Smith to belittle Nelson. Evidence showed that there was no Institute committee, and thus no use of the hall. Nelson bought the unused piano.
When a new committee was formed, Nelson paid for repairs necessary so the Health Department would not take action (the work being carried out by Mr Holloway, who had authorised the sale of the 'illegally detained' piano.) Mr Smallman was equally impressed by this "tinpot' case.

Rosebud Football Club was not formed until 1929 so sturdy little Ken Rigg played for Dromana, the only other club near Rosebud being Sorrento.

Watty Gibson played brilliantly throughout, and in the last quarter especially showed a lot of his old time cleverness. H. Hoskins worked like a Trojan and covered himself with glory (as well as mud). R. Wyatt was not quite up to his usual form-a wet ball and slippery ground are not to "Trotter's"liking. W. Evans on the back line played well, although he erred in judgment on a couple of occasions. Ken Rigg, the sturdy little Rosebud player, is improving with every match. J. Rudduck played his first game this season, and showed promising football. W. Gibson put plenty of dash into his play. A. Gibson S. Wilson, and A. Mcllroy put in some useful work.(P.3, Mornington and Dromana Standard, 10-7-1909.)

"Doreen" was sung by Mr Bayford, a humorous recitation was given by Mr Tippett, a pianoforte duet by Miss Roberts and Master Colin Rigg, and pianoforte solo by
Master Colin Rigg.(P.2,Mornington Standard, 9-9-1905.ROSEBUD.)

A meeting was held in the Mechanics' Hall on Saturday evening, for the purpose of considering the formation of a tennis court, on the Village Reserve, for the use of residents and visitors. Mr Budds (State school teacher) was voted to the chair, and a very enthusiastic and representative meeting took place. Mr H.Hunt, who generously donated 2/2/,was elected president of the club ; Mr Budds, secretary; Mr Kenneth Rigg,assistant secretary; and Mr G. B. Rigg,treasurer.
(P.3, Mornington and Dromana Standard, 10-10-1908.)

A meeting was held in Boneo Hall yesterday week to consider a proposal for holding a school and district picnic, Mr Rigg (president of the board of advice) in the chair..(P.2, Mornington Standard, 2-12-1905.)

Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 21 October 1885 p 1 Family Notices RIGG-BRAITHWAITE.-On the 13th inst., at Went- worth, N.S.W., by the Rev. - Long, Gregory B. Rigg, of Bunnerungie Station, N.S.W., to Eleanor F ... 592 words

RIGG -On the 8th. February, at Alfred Hospital, Gregory Brennan Rigg, loving husband of the late Eleanor,loving father of Kenneth, Norman, Colin, Rebecca (Mrs. G.W.Evans) and Donald[deceased], aged 77 years.(P.1, Argus,10-2-1930.)

2649 WICKHAM, Gilbert Melton Railway Station, Melton, Victoria 15th Battalion, 8th Reinforcement

I suspect that the following is H.Wickham and that he was Gilbert's brother,both having a mother named Mary Ann.
9 WICKHAM, Frederick Horace 'Ideal View', May Street, Deepdene, Victoria Australian Army Pay Corps

This is definitely W.Wickham. Click on his name and his address "Melton Railway Station" is revealed.His father was G.Wickham and I suspect he was a cousin of Gilbert (aged 27) and Horace.
417 WICKHAM, Walter Artillery Barracks, Melbourne, Victoria Siege Artillery Brigade

See George Henry Jarry,the W.W.1 imposter who settled in Rosebud, in comments.

by itellya Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-04-15 08:06:32

Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by itellya on 2014-04-27 09:01:35

The subject here would not be under investigation by the following group:
Australasian Military Imposters‎
Australia & New Zealand Military Imposters group's (ANZMI) mission is to investigate, and publish, all Australian and New Zealand military imposters, medal ...
‎Latest Cases - ‎Updated Cases - ‎Medal Cheats - ‎Who are these clowns?

He did what many Australian lads did; pretend to be somebody else so that he could enlist, usually because of being too young to enlist. The catch was that the person whose identity he stole was his brother and that his brother later enlisted so that both of them served under the same name.

605 ? 2nd Australian Tunnelling Company

For reasons unknown, when George Henry Jarry enlisted in the A.I.F. he used his brothers? name, Peter. When Peter himself enlisted some 8 months later, he used his own name. The WW1 Nominal Rolls record number 605 Peter Jarry, 2nd Australian Tunnelling Company and number 27540 Gunner Peter Jarry, 12th Field Artillery Brigade. Both men served out the war as Peter Jarry, and all documentation for both men refer only to ?Peter Jarry? except for two small, post-war notations on the younger brothers? file that he was indeed George Henry Jarry.
George married Jean Mary Gilmore in 1934 and a daughter June and son Kevin joined the family.

Around 1931, George had bought an International truck and carted bricks in the Melbourne area. In 1939 he moved the family to Rosebud to a small holiday house he had built where he spent the rest of his life.

In 1943 He bought a 24-foot fishing boat, which he called ?Georgie?, on which he used to carry passengers on fishing trips until his retirement in 1963. One of his fishing companions was Eddie Natt who married Julie Anthony. Julie would sometimes go fishing with the boys and when she was the subject of the ?This is Your Life? programme in 1978, George was one of the guests.

During WW2, George cut and carted wood for the needy.
(Peter (George Henry) Jarry 605‎)

Sorrento residents may be able to boast that Nellie Melba's first concert was staged in their town but Rosebud can boast a connection with two great Australian singers, Judith Durham of The Seekers,and through George Jarry, Julie Anthony.

George Henry Jarry died with bronco-pneumonia in August 1987 at Rosebud, Victoria, and is commemorated at the Dromana Cemetery.

by itellya on 2014-04-27 10:18:30

Google "George Henry JARRY b. 1894 Kangaroo Flat, Victoria ...‎"

This was among the information I supplied to this website. George and Tom Alderson would have got along extra well because they both barracked for Carlton. Tom suggested the Carlton-like uniform for the Rosebud Football Club when it started playing in 1929; a short time later it was changed briefly because old man Dark couldn't see the players in darker conditions (photo in clubrooms).

- George Henry Jarry D.C.M. -

To most members of the Rosebud R.S.L. the sight of George and his mates cheerily enjoying their round of pots is all too familiar. Although we don?t see so much of George these days he still enjoys his ale but his health and legs do not enable him to get up to the Club as much as he would like.

The story of George Jarry starts at Ravenswood, near Bendigo in 1894; the younger son of Peter and Elizabeth Jarry. George had an older brother Peter and a younger sister Dorothy. Their father being French accounting for the unusual surname.

George went to school in the Wimmera and later did a little mixed farming. George enlisted with the Australian Imperial Expeditionary Forces on 28th September 1915, and after initial training in Melbourne went to N.S.W. where the 1st Australian Mining Battalion was formed, sailing for France aboard the Ulysses in early 1916.

The Ulysses hit a rock in Fremantle springing a plate and the boys were packed off to Black Boy camp near Midlands for 6 weeks before embarking again on the Ulysses and sailing via Malta and Capetown to Alexandra where they changed ships and on to Marseilles, by train then to Arsbrook.

At Arsbrook the battalion was divided into three tunnelling companies ? NWS/Qld Company 1, Vic/SA. Company 2, WA/Tas Company 3. These three companies to be spread across the front line. It was at Newport Baines that George received the Distinguished Conduct Medal. He went alone through a particularly heavy bombardment crossing a canal to a listening post where some of our men were trapped underground only to find that they had been over run and taken prisoner.

CITATION 31 March 1919
605 Sergeant G. Jarry D.C.M.

For Conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a time of great enemy activity. His gallant actions and energy have always set a first-rate example to his men under conditions of extreme difficulty. He has not missed a single day?s duty in 22 months of active service.

During a stint of dispatch riding for the British 3rd Army Headquarters, George was blown off his bike injuring his knee and spent 3 months in Devonshire recuperating; then back to France for the big push before finally being discharged in 1919.

It cost George ten bob a year to join the RSL at The Old Green Mill in Melbourne. He then took a soldier settlement farm at Willaura for 3 or 4 years before selling up and coming to Melbourne where he purchased an international truck and carted bricks for approximately 15 years. Moving to Rosebud in 1939 George spent the years of the Second World War cutting and carting wood for those in need and essential services. Later buying a 24 foot fishing boat the ?Georgie? (named by a friend after the manageress of the local hotel at the time) George carried passengers on fishing trips up until his retirement in 1963 and it was during this time that he met Ed Natt who was to become the husband of Julie Anthony and when Julie was honoured on This Is Your Life in July 1978 George appeared as a guest.

He was one of the original founders of the Rosebud Sub Branch along with Perce Dark, Maynard Crichton, Jack Driscoll, Alec Webster, Arthur Brant, Tom Alderson and others, and the old shed of the foreshore with its dirt floor and wood stoves and cranky tea urn was to pave the way to the establishment we now occupy.

Most Saturdays during the football season will find George?s ear glued to the radio listening to his beloved Carlton team thrashing the other mob.

George marched in Melbourne Anzac Day Parades up until 1974 being the last of his Company to do so, and he still has the colours at his home.

85 years young in December, a proud man, and justly so, for it is men like you George that has made this country grow and be free from oppression.

George Henry Jarry D.C.M. we salute you.

by itellya on 2014-04-27 11:33:28

I think Charlie's name should be on the roll of honour unless it was meant only for former pupils. There was no result on the A.I.F. PROJECT when I did a search for"Greenfield,Rosebud" (as on the following list of wounded.)

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Monday 10 December 1917 p 9 Detailed lists, results, guides
WOUNDED... Grayling, Canowindra (gas); C. W. Greenfield, Rosebud

So I deleted Rosebud and found a C.W.

Charles William GREENFIELD
Regimental number 859
Religion Presbyterian
Occupation Soldier
Address Raga Barracks, Queenscliff, Victoria
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 19
Next of kin Father, C H Greenfield, Rosebud near Dromana, Victoria
Previous military service Royal Australian Garrison Artillery
Enlistment date 1 November 1916
Rank on enlistment Gunner
Unit name Heavy Artillery Group 36, Reinforcement 10
AWM Embarkation Roll number 13/49/4
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board RMS Osterley on 10 February 1917
Rank from Nominal Roll Gunner
Unit from Nominal Roll 36th Heavy Artillery Brigade
Fate Returned to Australia 11 May 1919

Neither the Jarry nor the Greenfield families seem to have made it into the pages of the Argus in relation to Rosebud.My search for these two Anzacs did however help me find a previously unknown pre-1873 Rosebud fisherman.

by itellya on 2014-04-27 13:29:16


Richard Ernest CHILTON
Regimental number 1704
Place of birth Repon, Yorkshire, England
School Church of England
Age on arrival in Australia 22
Religion Church of England
Occupation Labourer
Address Rosebud, Victoria


Richard Ernest CHILTON
Regimental number 1704
Place of birth Repon, Yorkshire, England
School Church of England
Age on arrival in Australia 22
Religion Church of England
Occupation Labourer
Address Rosebud, Victoria
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 23
Next of kin Father, Richard Chilton, Rosebud, Victoria
Enlistment date 22 August 1914
Rank on enlistment Private
Unit name 30th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/47/2
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A35 Berrima on 17 December 1915
Fate No details of fate entered on Nominal Roll
Place of death or wounding Suvla Bay, France
Age at death 29
Family/military connections No
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 23
Next of kin Father, Richard Chilton, Rosebud, Victoria
Enlistment date 22 August 1914
Rank on enlistment Private
Unit name 30th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/47/2
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A35 Berrima on 17 December 1915
Fate No details of fate entered on Nominal Roll
Place of death or wounding Suvla Bay, France
Age at death 29
Family/military connections No

by itellya on 2014-04-27 13:53:04

OOPS! I forgot to click copy after I highlighted Eric's details. Take two!

Regimental number 34057
Religion Methodist
Occupation Driver
Address Rosebud, Victoria
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 18
Next of kin Father, Donald James, Rosebud, Victoria
Enlistment date 19 October 1916
Rank on enlistment Driver
Unit name Field Artillery Brigade, March 1917 Reinforcements
AWM Embarkation Roll number 13/128/1
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A11 Ascanius on 11 May 1917
Rank from Nominal Roll Driver
Unit from Nominal Roll 11th Field Artillery Brigade
Fate Returned to Australia 12 May 1919
Other details
War service: Western Front

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal

by itellya on 2014-04-27 23:58:31


I have a nagging brain. It kept moaning, "W.W.1, DITCHBURN,ROSEBUD." Okay brain, I'll have a look at ON THE ROAD TO ROSEBUD.
P.36.The Brady family's Post Office store on the Peebles site was sold to Elsie James in 1913. Elsie sold to Perc. and Reg. Ditchburn,retired W.W.1 servicemen and brothers.

The Ditchburn family's first mention in the area came well before the war when one of the boys had his lip split, while they were visiting Dromana, during a squabble with his sister. I have found no other pre-war reference.
(Mornington and Dromana Standard, Saturday 9 January 1909, p 2 Article)

The brothers had moved into Rosebud by 1919.

ROSEBUD.-6r. unfurn. House, close beach, bathing-box, all convs., good position. Particulars, Ditchburn, agent, Rosebud.(P.27, Argus,11-10-1919, ROSEBUD.)

Regimental number 1533
Occupation Grocer
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 26
Next of kin Brother, G Ditchburn, Parthenon, 589 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Enlistment date 12 November 1914
Rank on enlistment Private
Unit name 8th Battalion, 3rd Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/25/2
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A54 Runic on 19 February 1915
Rank from Nominal Roll Private
Unit from Nominal Roll Australian Employment Company
Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll) No details of fate entered on Nominal Roll.
Other details
Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal

Date of death 24 April 1925
Place of burial Cobden Cemetery, Victoria

Reginald Eric DITCHBURN
Regimental number 1635
Occupation Despatch Clerk
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 18
Next of kin Brother, G W Ditchburn, c/o Parthenon, 589 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Enlistment date 21 January 1915
Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll 29 January 1915
Rank on enlistment Private
Unit name 8th Battalion, 3rd Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/25/2
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A54 Runic on 19 February 1915
Rank from Nominal Roll Private
Unit from Nominal Roll 8th Battalion
Fate Returned to Australia 21 July 1918

NOTICE is hereby given, that the PARTNERSHIP carried on by George Ditchburn,
Stanley Allen Ditchburn,and Reginald Eric Ditchburn under the style of The Superior Art Furnishing Co as furnishers, and upholsterers at the corner of Toorak road and Chapel street, South Yarra, has been DISSOLVED The Said, Stanley Allen Ditchburn and Reginald Eric Ditchburn have retired from the firm, which will continue to be
carried on under the same style by the said George Ditchburn, on his own account, and he will pay all liabilities owing by and collect all moneys due to the said firm
Dated the 22nd day of January. 1933 G. DITCHBURN S.A DITCHBURN R F DITCHBURN (P.1,Argus,6-2-1933.)

Percy,Reg and Stanley Allen all recorded their brother,George, as their next of kin.
Here are Stan's details.

Stanley Allen DITCHBURN
Regimental number 3646
Religion Church of England
Occupation Engine driver
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 24
Next of kin Brother, G W Ditchburn, c/o 'Parthenon', 589 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Enlistment date 22 September 1914
Rank on enlistment Gunner
Unit name ART.FAB2R2+R3
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A45 Hessen on 2 February 1915
Rank from Nominal Roll Corporal
Unit from Nominal Roll 1st Machine Gun Company
Fate Effective abroad (still overseas)

ALDERSON-On the 16th January 1934 at the Alfred Hospital, Ivy Jennifer the dearly
loved wife of William Alderson, of Rosebud, and loving mother of Florence (Mrs.Baker), Thomas, Lillian (Mrs Ditchburn) Violet (Mrs Roberts) and Herbert aged 49 years (Privately interred.) (P. 1, Argus, 18-1-1934.)

The death occurred in Melbourne on 31st March of Mr. John F. Ditchburn,at the age of 59. Deceased is survived by his widow and a family of two sons and two
daughters: also five brothers. The sons are Keith (Rosebud) and Dean (Brighton); and the daughters are Beyrl (Mrs. Reeve, Brighton) and Edna (Mrs. Yoxon, Brighton) The brothers are Will (Queensland), Reg (Glen Iris), George (Toorak), Hanley(Adelaide), and Norman (Narandera).
(Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW) Friday 5 April 1940 p 2)

John actually had six brothers but Percy had died in 1925,probably having taken up a Soldier Settlement farm.

Cobden Cemetery - RootsWeb‎
Headstone photographs from COBDEN CEMETERY, Victoria are free by e-mailing a request to Carol at. You must ... Cobden Cemetery .... DITCHBURN Percy

A "Ditchburn,Rosebud" search on trove produced a photo of Sergeant J.K.Ditchburn of Rosebud, Vic.
It is labelled:
At Sea, Qld. 1944-09-16. Aboard RAAF ketch 06-11 "Yalata" 51633 Sergeant J. K. Ditchburn, Coxswain, of Rosebud, Vic (left), and 34910 Sgt N. A. Myers, Wireless Telegraphy Operator, of Bondi, NSW, ...

by itellya on 2014-05-30 18:37:15

Last night, I went to a function at the Rosebud R.S.L. and couldn't help scanning the officials of the branch looking for familiar names such as George Parry. It wasn't there but my snoopiness led me to something I had walked past many times without even noticing it. It was a Roll of Honour listing those who had enlisted for W.W.1 at Rosebud.

Before waking this morning,I had a local history nightmare about how J.E.Peatey had died. I didn't believe it could be true and hit trove, in the process possibly finding a relative of George Parry. It was a miracle that I found the following because the digitisation was so terrible.

In the following list the rank,unless otherwise specified,is that of private:-
{ ^^'^^WULtB'^^T^CWOli''5 *o! ":;,J etc.,
PAPPIN, IV. H? .110 record, 31/12/16.
? PARRY, F;, Brunswick, . 19/7/16.: ''
PEATEY, J.E. Rosebud, 13/3/17. (P.38,The Australasian,14-4-1917.)

The information on the R.S.L.Roll of Honour and a framed memorial situated near it will be included in the journal in italics immediately under the state school roll of honour.

by itellya on 2014-08-29 21:21:51


Born in Rosebud, VIC, Australia

Cairns, Godfrey Brown

Latross, Constantine Thomas

Watson, George John

Service number 16080 Place of birth Rosebud, VIC, Australia
Place of enlistment Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Next of kin Cairns, Robert (father)
WWI file B2455, CAIRNS G B

Godfrey Brown Cairns was the son of "Back Road Bob" Cairns who was so called because he lived on the section of the road to Cape Schanck now known as Bayview Rd. Bob built a house called "Fernvilla" (but misread as Tornvilla) near the top of the street ignorantly called Cairn Rd (Melway 170 K12.) Godfrey would certainly not have been under age when he enlisted because he charged Robert Henry Adams with assault in about 1906. A trove search for HOBSON'S FLAT ROAD DRAINAGE will reveal the cause of the animosity that led to this incident and led to William Hobley, caught in the middle, moving to Leongatha.

Service number 19843
Place of birth Rosebud, VIC, Australia
Place of enlistment Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Next of kin Latross, Cecilia (wife)

Constantine would have been a son of Antonio Latross, a fisherman, who was living on crown allotment 5A of the Rosebud Fishing Village by 1879. This block,granted to M?.Latross on 22-3-1887 had a frontage of 20.8 metres to the beach end of the Murray Anderson Rd. car park on the foreshore. M.Latross was probably Constantine's mother. The family was no longer in Rosebud in 1900,Antonio probably having died and it seems that Constantine was in Sydney in 1895 and being a naughty 18 year old.

James Singalas, 24, oysterman, and Constantine Thomas Latross, 18, waiter, were remanded till Thursday on a charge of assaulting Robert Wallis. The prosecutor was under treatment at the Sydney Hospital for the injuries he received through being forcibly ejected by accused from an oyster saloon in King-street. Bail was allowed
each in a recognisance of ?50 and two sureties of ?25. P.6, Evening News,8-4-1895.)

Service number 12422
Place of birth Rosebud, VIC, Australia
Place of enlistment Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Next of kin Watson, Joshua (father)
WWI file B2455, WATSON G J

Peter Watson had been on the peninsula for some time, first living on Jamieson's Special Survey (the Safety Beach area east to Bulldog Creek Rd.) His wife's name was Margaret. With the assistance of Susan Peatey,the local midwife,she gave birth to Margaret on 3-2-1867 and George on 27-10-1869.(PINE TREES AND BOXTHORNS,Rosalind Peatey.) This is speculation only,but Joshua Watson and his son,George might have been related to Peter Watson. The Wannaeue parish map shows that Peter Watson was granted crown allotments 25A and 24C(of section B)in 1895. C/A 25A was on the west corner of Arthurs Seat and Main Creek Rds with a frontage to the latter of only 77 metres. C/A24C adjoined its south east corner and extended south 878 metres to Whites Rd whose right-angle bend was its south west corner.M.G.D.Watson was assessed on 147 acres (probably 24D and 23A1) in 1900. I've read countless articles about Rosebud and can't recall seeing the Watson surname so I can only presume that George's birth was registered in Rosebud. If George was born on the land described, there could be another reason for the birth being recorded as being at Rosebud. The Brady farm was south of Peter Watson's land and it was referred to as being in Rosebud, despite the area being otherwise known as Main Creek: e.g."Obadiah W. Brady, second son of the late Obadiah Brady, of Mount Evergreen, Rosebud". (P.2, Mornington Standard, 11-11-1897.)

by itellya on 2014-08-29 21:40:25

Thanks so much to janilye whose advise in comments under the ROLL OF HONOUR FOR RED HILL enabled the previous comment (CAIRNS, LATROSS, WATSON). I forgot to add that the Latross block was on the east side of Peatey's Creek now covered by the Murray Anderson Rd foreshore car park, the creek being so-named because the Peateys later ran a produce farm in "Beachside" which comprised 5A and E. Naylor's 5B which fronted the beach road. Beachside fascinated the local kids because chooks slept in the trees.

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