Searching Te Whata Whanau as well
Posted elsewhere.
Trying trace back on my dads side. My gandmothers maiden name is Walsh and my grandfather is Te tahua Te Whata. They were known by everyone as just Mama and Papa. Papas nick name was Whara... Im trying to trace back the Te Whata side through my Great Grandfather who was Wiremu Te Whata.
Wiremu Te Whata was a Forest worker. He and some others from Ngapuhi ran out of mahi which led them to the Ngati porou rohe where Wiremu met Ripene Tahata. Wi Tahata and Hera Moihi were Ripenes parents (only 50 percent sure. They also had 5 tamariki i think).
Ripene and Wiremu had 7 or 8 children. (arohamai i am still trying to confirm the 8)
The children were as follows
Waimatao (F born 1906), Harata (F,1907), Te Tahua (my grandfather, 1909), Haami (M, 1912, married a person called Rangiwai or to the Rangiwai's), Hataira (F, 1919), Waiwikitoria (F, 1922), Whaare (F, 1926, still alive in Ruatoria.)
also, Hokimate was a sister but need to confirm.
I'll be heading up to see nany whaare in couple weeks or so. Hopefully she can shed some light.
I would apreciate anything you guys can add to this whakapapa. Te Tahua is my koro. There was a bit of confusion as to his real name. Was it Bill or was it Te Tahua? but no, his name is Te tahua son of Wiremu Te Whata who i have yet to find out about.
As for my nany, ki te taha o taku matua. Her name is Keita or Kate Te whata. Her Father was Bill Walsh.
Kate walsh, my nany, had heaps of brothers and sisters. Charlie and sophie are two of them. Apprently Sophie is living in Tokoroa to this day....
I got alot more walking to do, but i know ill get there in the end. I am 27 years of age and only now i am begining to sense, Belonging and who my whanau are!!! i really cant wait im so thrilled!!!
Kia ora koutou
ma te wa
Just gonna jump in this thread cause I'm a Ngāi Tū Te Whata. I dont have any info, i only know the name of my grandfather and nothing else of my whānau (except piecing together a pepeha). Just here to see if i can find any links for me :D
Just gonna jump in this thread cause I'm a Ngāi Tū Te Whata. I dont have any info, i only know the name of my grandfather and nothing else of my whānau (except piecing together a pepeha). Just here to see if i can find any links for me :D