South Australian Family Tree Directory
South Australian Family Tree Directory
Personal web sites with family trees or other historical information about families that include South Australians. For some of the sites, their more important South Australian surnames are listed here.
Allchurch Families
Angell Descendants
Angus Family History, inc Baldock, Box, Davis, Dressley, Hancock, Holly, King, McMahon, Puxley, Sobey, Weekley
Applebee / Appleby Family
Arnold Families of South Australia
Ancestors of James Austin
Maryanne Bach Family, including surnames Conley, Reed, Rumball and Sellstrom
Robyn Bacon Family, including surnames Bailey and Clark
Baird History and Genealogy
Richard and Susan Barrows Genealogy, including Ireland, McRostie and Schofield
Australian Descendants of Stephen Begent
Bennetts Family Genealogy, including surnames Branson and Donelly
Robert Blair, including surnames Branch, Jewaskiewitz, Lanyon and Phillips
The Blunden Family, including surnames Crase and Nance
Bond Family History, including Cassidy, Francis and Rutherford
Boots Genealogy
John Boundy descendants
Bowen Family History
Bowes and Campbell Family History, including surnames Bickford and Wyett
Boykett family in Australia
Brady Family Tree, including surnames Free, Shackleton and Watters
Brooker Family
Joyce and Neville Bryant Family History, including Davies, Everitt and Symons
Jennifer Burrell Genealogy, including Braginton, Causon, Hutchins, Scown and Treweek
Bushnook Genealogy, including surnames Courtoy, Flitt and Jerkins
Carpenter Family
Chartres Family
Collins Family
Descendants of William Cook, including surnames Parker and Robertson
David Coombe Genealogy, including surnames Hamence, Lean and Morrish
Coombs Family, including surnames Farquhar, George and Welch
Coward, King and Crook Family History
Creer Family, including Bryce, Gibbs, Johnstone, Lampard, Mather and O'Loughlin
Curness Family Tree
Dalwood Genealogy & Family History
Davies and Symons Families
Judy Decker Family, including surnames Hall and Marshall
Dew Family Tree, including surname Camp
Dingle Family
Doody Genealogy
Doyle Family Tree
Drechsler Family
Eckermann Family Tree
Kerry Edwards Genealogy, including Baldwin, Hardacre, Kruse, Miller, Rawlings, Stuckey, Usher
Eldridge Migration to Australia
Elliott Family
Elson Family, including surname Provis
Emerald Genealogy Group, including surnames Bull, Higgie and Powell
Faggotter / Faggetter Family
Tony Finnis Genealogy, including Davis, Ferrier, Finniss and Speed
Fisher and Ellis Families including Howlett, Hogben, Maidment, Ellis
Ian Fisk Genealogy, including surnames Dix and Wilkinson
Fitzgerald Family
Fogden Family, including surname Slater
Foxwell Family History
Frazer Family, including surname Hawthorne
Furby Family History
Garie Genealogy
History of the Gildings
Grosser Family
Grubb Family Genealogy, including Butler, Farr, Field and Weeks
Hale Family of Cowell, including Hales and McDonald
Daniel Hall
Harris Family
Hattam Family Name
Sharon Hawkins, including McArthur, McLachlan, McMillan and Steinke
Henschke Family History
Higgins Genealogy, including surname Shell
Kay Hinnrichsen Family, including Besanko / Bosanko, Jolly, Tonkin and Wilson
Hodge Family History Research
Horgan Families
Hourigan Family
David H Hunter Ancestors, including Lange, Niemz, Roehr and Smith
Jacobs Family Genealogy, including surname van Tiggelen
Melanie Jamson Family Tree, inc Bain, Brown, Elsholz, Geue, McLaren, Schulz, Snellgrove, Stanley
John Janmaat Genealogy, including surname Thiele
Jaunay Journal
Dereck Jones Family Tree, including Goldsack, Maidment and Tuck
Kearvell Family
Kluske Family
Family and ancestors of Geoffrey James Minchin Lambert
Lang Family
Leadbeater family history
* Leadbeater family history timeline
o Diary of Frank Leadbeater's Roon voyage to SA (mid 1912)
o Diary of Frank Leadbeater's early life in SA (late 1912)
o Reginald Eric Gorey's funeral eulogy
* Surname index A-Z, including Baron, Coles, Gorey, Leadbeater, Levett and Montgomery
o Person index A-B, C-D, E-G, H-K, L-O, P-Z
Graeme Legg Ancestors, including surnames Penno and Schraep / Schrap
Levett Family History
Long Family Tree in Australia
Lowe Genealogy, including Gratwick, Jacobs and Mincham
MacKinnon Clan Genealogy, including surname McKinnon
Manuel Genealogy, including surname Mundy
Tony Martin-Jones family history
Matthews Family History, including Bache, Thomas and Walker
Kevin and Helen Maywald Genealogy, including surname Alchin
McEvoy Family in SA
McNamara Family Tree
Meth Family History
Meth Family History
Medlicott / Medlycott
Millards in Australia
Graeme Moad Family, including surnames Henschke and Lehmann
Mortlock Family Tree
Tony and Ann Mountifield Family Tree
The Australian Mumme Family, including Bahtmann and Kunstein
My Family Lines, including Hobbs, Logan and Smith
Neil Newman and Dianne Patricia Hansberry Family History
Noel in Australia
Norton, Robeson, Wakelin, Keech, Koster Families
Odlums of Offaly
O'Loghlen Family Tree, including surname Cahill
Luke Oswald Family Tree
Paltridge and Perry Families
Pascoe Family
Andrew G Peake
Descendants of James Pederick
Penrose, Gardner, Addicoat, Varcoe, Tully, Trewren Families
Pritchard and Edmunds Family History
Rayment Family History, including surname Smith
Family of Ian Redpath & Maxine Pitt
Reeves Family, including Besanko, McKell and Westley
Reids of Gawler
Retz Family Genealogy
Rice Family History
Rigby Australia Family
Robert Ritter Family
History of the Ruwoldt family in Australia
Roger Sando Family, including Bates, Boyd, Burnard, Dowdy, Edwards, Potts and West
Schipp, including Broun, Fleay, Gregory, Hillman, Lilburne, Perkins, Steer, Wansbrough, Wylie
Schubert / Andersen Family
Shep's Place [Shepherd family]
Shipway Family
Robert and Miriam Smith Ancestors, including Carvosso, Cheek, Payne, Weeks
Smyth-Blood Family
Spendlove Family Tree
Max and Jane Spiller, including surnames Doolette / Doolittle and Reynolds
Stewart Family, including surnames Best, Jennings, Morgan and Wilson
Strangway / Strangeway
Strudwicke one name study
Sturt Genealogy and Family Tree
Sweeney & Baldwin families, including Allengame, Brown and Reed
John Symonds, including Caust, Lloyd, Simons / Symons and Verran
Tall Trees Family History, including Baker, Cornell, Harris, Opie, Pengilly and Stephens
Tanner Family, including Etheridge, Gill, Kennedy, Picroft and Short
Teague History
Thomas Family History, including surnames Dew, George, Harvey and Hillman
Thompson Family History Group
Bruce Topperwien Genealogy
Margaret Grogan Turner Family History, including surnames Fisher and Mellor
Tyzack Family
Unverhau in Australia
Christine Uphill Family
Helen Wakefield Genealogy, including surnames Biles, Dunn, Hill, Rehn
Warrwick Family Tree, including surname Henstridge
Friedrich August Weidenbach Family
Westley Family, including surnames Besanko and McKell
Paul Alexander Whitrow Family History
Wilkins Family
Williams Family History
Descendants of Perry Wood
James & David Harvey, emigrated from Tyrone County, Ireland to Queensland and New South Wales in mid to late 1880's. They were sons of Hamilton & Jane Harvey. Siblings included Anna Jane, Margaret, Ellen, Charles, Robert, William, Joseph & John. Two other siblings possible but unconfirmed(Thomas and Andrew).
Any information greatly appreciated.