Stone Soup
Today I received an email from a man He was searching in the same area I was for the people of his past.We both knew the place and a lot of the same names. It seemed odd but we both grew up there in
Wise Co Va.
As i read his mail he phrased a term I had not yet heard.
Some people were now calling us Appalaian Americans.
This made me very proud.After all the derogatory slurs, And all
the people looking down their noses at us as outcast.
It seems that most in this vast area of the Appalacian Mtns.
were a mixture of the best the world has to offer.
Not only were there Indians,Whites,Turkish.Irish,Scottish and
only god knows what else he put in this pot of Vegetable Soup.
we have be call Hillbillies and Tax invaders,moonshine makers
and runners.
But have you ever been to this area called Wise and Russell Cos
of VA.Did you notice the smell as you started up the mountain
THE SMELL OF HOME.There is a peace there you cannot find anywhere
else on earth.A reality of honest,genuine,freindly people.A place
you can tell a neighbor you are hungry and hell will open his door
and keep you warm and fed well until you can take care of yourself.
These people deserve the title of Appalacian Americans.They deserve recognition,for they are a breed apart.
My mother told all children growing up that she knew how ro make stone soup.The ingrediants she said a small amount came from everyone on the mountain so there was plenty of soup for everyone. There is nothing like my mother's Stone Soup. This is what this mountain is
a huge pot of Stone Soup with just the right touch of all seasonings
Next time you began the rise up the Mountain : slow down,Take a deep breath.You will have taken you first breath of HEAVEN.
Jewel Butts remember we are now Appalacian Americans