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Surnames I am researching

Query by lynnchat

I am searching for the following surnames and counties in Mississippi.

Names: Beaver, Beavers, Robertson, Robinson, Smith, Butler, Myers, Berry, Eubanks, Boykin, Clark, Gunter, Heggins, Blair, Chatham, Glenn, Lee, Pentecost and many more.

Counties: Smith County, Lawrence County, Simpson County, Covington County, Leflore County, Montgomery County, Carroll County and many more.

If you have any information on these families, I would appreciate any info you may have. I would also pass along what I have.

Lynn Beavers Chatham

Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 971 times
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by lynnchat Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-06-21 16:35:06

lynnchat has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2014.

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by noggin on 2014-06-22 05:15:27

It would be better if you did a post for each family individually stating name(s) dates of birth, place of birth, marriages, children etc

by roostercockburn on 2014-06-24 05:50:05

Look in Georgia 1850 I know that i have seen a Thomas Gunter and his wife in the censes of Wayne County 1850

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