Looking Taylor's Family (in Ireland, from Argentina)
Hello everyone, my name is Agustin, I'm from Salta - Argentina, I'm new here. Recently my grandmother told me a story concerning her grandmother was from Ireland, which she never knew the real story, she just knows that "lost family" he could never know who were are there and are named Taylor . Now on my own, I started to look today at this family to continue the family tree, since few of us stayed in this family, I am named Vacaflor (Argentina), Also to Cirella and Uvina (my grandma). Thank you very much. Greetings to all. We are in contact. Sorry for my English. I also add that this part of the family of the mother of my grandmother's (she called Paulina) grandmother, is understandable?.
on 2012-05-10 00:31:32
AguVacaflor has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2012.
Hola Agustin, acabo de caer en este sitio por la misma razon que la tuya: de encontrar mis antepasados Taylor. Hay varios Taylor entre 1790 y 1800 y pico que entraron a la Argentina. Mis padres y mis abuelos fueron hijos unicos y me esta costando encontrar algo. Creo que encontré el primero que se relaciona con mi rama, un tal Tomas Federico, nacido en Londres casado con Felicia Ulibarri, en el 1808. No creo que te sirva mi información, pero por ahi somos parientes...
Necesito tambien informacion porque tengo varios "baches"
Genie Taylor
Hola Genie! Todo bien? Hasta ahora es lo unico que se, mi abuela vive en Salta y yo no estoy ahi. Pero no saben mucho que fue de esa parte de la familia. Solo hasta ahora saben que la mama de mi abuela se llamaba Paulina Taylor o en ingles es Pauline Taylor. Saludossssss